The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

You do realize your name is an obvious ripoff of Evergrey's.
That said, for an Israeli band, you guys have a disproportionate number of people with straight hair.

Right, the music is excellent, especially for a debut.
Dark Arena!!This was basically Tall Paul & myself before Antithesis & this stuff kicks ass!!Check it out at
Plus I'm doing an all instrumental project with Tall Paul & Dale from Dark Arena
And another cd project with the singer Mike from Pownd (A band from Kentucky)
1 more..Drums for a project called Lyres Requiem which features our old bass player Jim!!
Lotsa music projects to keep me busy between all the turds & brains I work with:kickass:
I play guitar in an Australian prog/power band called Transcending Mortality. Our influences are Symphony X, Nevermore, Death, Iron Maiden etc
The samples on our myspace page are rough mixes of two songs from our soon to be released debut album.
If you're interested check us out at:
Taliwakker said:
seeing as you guys are broken up.....i'm stealing your band name and i guess you won't be needing that Nevermore support slot either...i'll take that too :)
Oh yeah...that Nevermore support thing *lifts head up and reunites band*