The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread


For those interested. If nothing else, the collection of guys playing on it should be worth checking out.:)

That's a link to a bunch of full live gigs from this local group called Sol Spectre. Describing them as fusion would be in the right ballpark but I reccomend just checking them out. They were one of the first bands I ever saw when I first moved out here 2 years ago...killer live band. The guitarist, bassist, and drummer all graduated from my school last year. The keyboardist still goes and is a good friend of mine...he's playing on my recital next week and he and I are going to start jamming/hopefully writing for this group I'm trying to put together. Check them out.
Well, I haven't had time do any of my own stuff in the studio and the live recordings I do have are on a harddrive somewhere in the production wing of the school (nobody knows exactly where and the guy who did all the editing for me "misplaced" the original video/audio recordings). I may/may not have audio from my recital next friday so we'll see. Also, when that group I'm starting with that keyboard player (AGAIN, EVERYONE CHECK OUT SOL SPECTRE) gets off the ground, we'll be recording asap so we can get demos out to clubs.

The main reason I stopped mentioning gigs/possibly recording projects here is because it seems that every time I get my hopes up about finally getting good clips (of my own...not stuff I record for other people), things/people just don't come through in the end. One of these days though...

The end of an era is upon us. "Give Me Metal or Give Me Death" is an album we have wanted to release for 8 years. It has had many incarnations, but none were really worthy of the title... until NOW. This album is dedicated to the proud Warriors of Genocide who helped us create/play these songs over the years: Max Perry McDonnel, Patrick Seick, Chris Fryer, Ben Thompson, Nick Milic, Derek Williams, Jesse Jensen, Rah Davis, Samuel Rodger, Carl Larrson, and to all the old school Skelator fans who bought/stole the original "Give Me Metal..." This album is also dedicated to the best Heavy Metal albums of 1983, Show No Mercy, Kill'Em All, Into Glory Ride and Melissa.


The album is available in MP3 and WAV format on the "Music" page at:

Also don't forget to check out "Time of the Sword Rulers" at:

Fuck yes jeff! That's an amazing line up actually. I'm pretty stoked for all the bands. I'll definitely see you at the seattle stop, and of course everyone is welcome to come to snake mountain to party after the show. By the way, the guys in Krisiun are straight up the nicest, most appreciative guys you will ever meet. Alex literally gave someone here the shirt off his back because the person commented on how fucking awesome some obscure-ass band was that he had a shirt for.
Good stuff, man! I was watching the first one going, "Which one is singing?" then I could see him in the second one. :) You guys can seriously shred, too!

Thanks man, yea the singer is out of the picture in the AILD cover. He makes an appearance in the other one. Glad you enjoyed it, wasn't sure how it'd be received on this board, but its nice to hear some positive feedback. I'm the drummer BTW.