The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

me shredding a little. I riff out for a bit then the soloing start at 0:46.

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Dark Empir​e have parte​d ways with vocal​ist Jens Carls​son (​​​Persu​ader,​​​ Savag​e Circu​s)​​​ and seek a repla​cemen​t immed​iatel​y.​​​ Band leade​r/​​​lead guita​rist/​​​death​ vocal​ist Matt Molit​i had this to say:

"​​​This decis​ion was a long time comin​g and it was a hard one to make,​​​ since​ Jens is a great​ dude to work with.​​​ With him livin​g in Swede​n and the rest of us in the New Jerse​y,​​​ it is impos​sible​ to do any kind of giggi​ng,​​​ which​ is somet​hing we need to make this band conti​nue.​​​ This was a mutua​l decis​ion and there​ are no hard feeli​ngs at all. We wish Jens the best in his endea​vors with Persu​ader and Savag​e Circu​s.​​​ As for a repla​cemen​t,​​​ since​ I am alrea​dy writi​ng new mater​ial,​​​ we would​ like to find one as soon as possi​ble.​​​ We'​​​re most inter​ested​ in a singe​r with an abras​ive or hard rock quali​ty to their​ voice​,​​​ and of cours​e,​​​ must be livin​g in or willi​ng to commu​te or reloc​ate to the north​ern New Jerse​y/​​​NYC area.​​​ Send any audio​ or video​ sampl​es to our myspa​ce page:​​​ www. myspa​ce.​​​ com/​​​darke​mpire​band "

Jens had this to say about​ the split​:​​​

"​​​After​ a long consi​derat​ion,​​​ we in the band made the decis​ion for me to step down as singe​r for Dark Empir​e.​​​ For Matt and the guys to push the band forwa​rd,​​​ live appea​rence​s are essen​tial and the fact that I live in Swede​n
was becom​ing a bigge​r and bigge​r probl​em.​​​ I also have Persu​ader and Savag​e Circu​s who need atten​tion as well.​​​ There​ are no hard feeli​ngs,​​​ but somet​hing had to be done about​ the situa​tion.​​​ I wish the guys in DE all the best,​​​ and you fans out there​,​​​ keep on rocki​ng!​​​"​​​

Dark Empir​e relea​sed their​ sopho​more effor​t,​​​ Human​ity Dethr​oned,​​​ in Augus​t 2008 via Killz​one Recor​ds

New album soon, samples posted. Holy fucking hell, it sounds amazing. If you like Opeth you should like this.

two new full songs posted at and the myspace.
Zach and Jeff you guys are having way too much fun :rock:
awesome dexterity there Arroyo !
Hi there,

I'd like to announce that we got signed and our CD "The Winter Is Dawning" will be out from Heart Of Steel Records.
Here's the Press Release :

Official Press Release

Heart Of Steel Records is proud to announce the latest member of our family: WINTERS DAWN

Winters Dawn were formed in Greece during 1998, and - after various line-up changes – they recorded their first Mini-CD "Nitro" in late 2003. Although, in the meantime, singer Stelios "Theo" relocated to Germany, the band recorded, during 2008, their full-length debut-album called “The Winter Is Dawning”, which is now ready for an official worldwide release thru’ Heart Of Steel Records... .."The Winter Is Dawning" is a perfect mix of US Power Metal a la Savatage / Crimson Glory / Riot (“Thundersteel” era) and Jag Panzer, enforced by brilliant and emotional melodies that are carrying this special “old-school” Metal touch. There are also moments of thunderous breakings when songs are getting even wilder thanks to selective Speed Metal touches a la early Agent Steel and Annihilator... ..That is why 3 excellent guitar-players and “icons” in the Metal genre like Jeff Waters (of Annihilator), Theodore Ziras and Chris Caffery believed in the band and recorded 5 incredible solos on the album!.. ..As usual for all of our releases, the Cd will have a de-luxe full-color booklet with lyrics & pics... ..Release-date: early May 2009.

Heart Of Steel Records :
It's one of the most interesting albums I've ever heard, a sci-fi concept album blending many styles together...I'd say at its base it's prog metal, with doses of melodic death, power, electronica, even jazz...but it somehow flows together seamlessly without being chaotic or too avant-garde.

The digipak is's a nice double fold-out deal, and the booklet is huge...36 pages with cool artwork and tons of lyrics/storyline. And this a first, the booklet even has its own glossary :lol: But it's actually helpful to understanding the concept, kudos to the band on a great package.

Myspace (scroll down and you'll see a different inline player)