The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Yngvai X said:
The singer is Jens Carlsson from the bands Persuader and Savage Circus.

What happened? Couldn't get Hansi Kursch? Haha...

Great stuff though. I'd buy the CD.
Hey arglebargle, I was listening to your work again and I am going to say it again...your musical experiments are producing some really interesting stuff. If you compiled your stuff on a cd, I would not hesitate to buy it.

Ill help ya support your music by adding your site to my sig :)
soundgarden said:
Hey arglebargle, I was listening to your work again and I am going to say it again...your musical experiments are producing some really interesting stuff. If you compiled your stuff on a cd, I would not hesitate to buy it.

Ill help ya support your music by adding your site to my sig :)

... er, joke, right?


I need an emoticon kind of like that, but with more shocked incredulity.

I, uh, appreciate your support dude... nobody's ever, uh, promoted my stuff for me, lol. If I ever do put out an album one day (99.9% not likely), you get a free copy for your awesome support.

EDIT: to be fair though, I have one new age/Celtic piece, so putting that in your sig is kind of false advertising. Adding "electronica" instead would be much more fitting IMO, since I've done quite a bit of that.
arglebargle said:
... er, joke, right?


I need an emoticon kind of like that, but with more shocked incredulity.

I, uh, appreciate your support dude... nobody's ever, uh, promoted my stuff for me, lol. If I ever do put out an album one day (99.9% not likely), you get a free copy for your awesome support.

EDIT: to be fair though, I have one new age/Celtic piece, so putting that in your sig is kind of false advertising. Adding "electronica" instead would be much more fitting IMO, since I've done quite a bit of that.


I will make it a bit more general.
You know, I think this may be one of the first times I've checked out this thread. What a disservice I've done myself.

Arglebargle - LOVE the stuff, especially that with a video-game-esque vibe. I'm with soundgarden, I'd buy a CD of this stuff without hesitating. Assault Upon the Black Citadel rocks, what was your inspiration?

Matt... holy hell, you're gonna let us know when the CD comes out, right?! Always dug your stuff from the first time I heard it.

RI - Great voice!!

Well, once I get back down to the Burgh (Pittsburgh that is), and back in school, my metal band is going to come to life... so hopefully I'll be able to stand up to the high standards you guys are putting forth and post some music here.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Arglebargle - LOVE the stuff, especially that with a video-game-esque vibe. I'm with soundgarden, I'd buy a CD of this stuff without hesitating. Assault Upon the Black Citadel rocks, what was your inspiration?

Thanks dude, I appreciate the love. I was originally inspired by Tolkien's book "The Silmarillion"... I wanted to write a song based on the War of Wrath... hence the name. But it's an instrumental, so you can make up any "back story" you want, haha. As far as musical influences, melodic metal like Symphony X, made obvious during the harpsichord solo. ;) I wanted to have a kind of black metal vibe during the middle part of the song, but I don't think it came out as well as I'd hoped. Also, a whole lot of generic melodramatic film scores... you know, the kind you'd hear in any fantasy movie.
arglebargle said:
Thanks dude, I appreciate the love. I was originally inspired by Tolkien's book "The Silmarillion"... I wanted to write a song based on the War of Wrath... hence the name. But it's an instrumental, so you can make up any "back story" you want, haha. As far as musical influences, melodic metal like Symphony X, made obvious during the harpsichord solo. ;) I wanted to have a kind of black metal vibe during the middle part of the song, but I don't think it came out as well as I'd hoped. Also, a whole lot of generic melodramatic film scores... you know, the kind you'd hear in any fantasy movie.

I think Blind Guardian beat you to the Silmarillion bit. ;)

Haven't heard your music yet, though--so this isn't a comment on your song!
Very glad that mix works better. From my experience over the years, that doesn't seem to be a job I can do without others' input. ;)