The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Download Australian progressive metal band Hemina's debut EP, "As We Know It", for FREE! All details can be found in the statement below:

Because we're feeling like genuinely nice guys (and girl) at the moment, we've decided to hold a 7 day campaign where we letting anyone around the world download HEMINA's debut EP, 'As We Know It', for FREE!

That's right, FREE! There's not many things you can get for free these days. Sunsets, moonlight, sunrises, movies, pornography, welfare payments, music, television, programs, cars (if you can hotwire), etc. etc. So we've deci...ded to add HEMINA's EP to the list!

Now there is one tiny little catch! Once you give the EP a download and listen, we would really appreciate it if you could give us some feedback about your HEMINA experience, whether it be via e-mail, facebook, myspace, skywriters, pigeon messengers, or chinese whispers.

Oh, and if you could invite your friends to this event invite so they can also download the EP, that'd be hugely appreciated!

And we also ask if you can post a link to the download wherever you can to get this thing out as far as possible!

Ok, so first of all, here's the download link:

If you click the link above, the download should start immediately. Once you receive it, just unzip it and enjoy the Heminal tones!

To leave your feedback, please use any of the following links:


And if you wish to purchase a physical copy of the EP (or a sexy looking t-shirt), please visit:

Thank you for your time everyone! And remember, the link will only be up there for 7 days! =)
Sweet, this thread still exists!! :D

As of now, I have two recordings I like to show people.
One is a song I've been working on since High School, called "Heroes Never Die". It's a cool PowerProg piece that was intended to sound really Iron Maiden + crazy keyboards.
The other is a song I've been working on since I started smoking pot in late 2007; it's called "Dream With Me". If you like stuff like Rick Wakeman, or Michael Pinella's solo album, you might like Dream With Me. It's like a spacey Future-Prog instrumental with lots of synths and stuff.

Heroes Never Die (Instrumental) - 11-14-2010
Dream With Me - I don't remember when this is from.
I really liked your band! It's a fucking tragedy that you guys are not touring the world and topping the charts. Shit like Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys get tons of attention when they suck while there are guys making masterpieces like you who aren't even signed to a major label. I could definetely see you guys becoming the next SX or Edguy.

What you guys think? A quality video for sure.

Like I always say, I strongly believe Tetrafusion are THE greatest prog band out there today. These guys deserve Dream Theater status.
thanx for your kind words SymphonyXV but we arent actually looking to be signed or anything, we just wanted to make some records for us and anyone who likes this kind of music. its very hard to live from the music bussiness nowadays and even harder if u play metal so we better just do it as a hobbie. Anyway, I hadnt heard about Tetrafusion, they are really good, i will get one of their albums for sure, which one do u recommend?
I think you guys should really at least try to get signed. Don't be such a self defeatist! Send CD's of your music to record labels and see what happens! I'm sure eventually, you will get signed. If all those gay emo metalcore bands with the v necks can get signed, you should definetely be able to! What kind of job do you have now? No offense, but I'm assuming it sucks and you wish you could quit! You really have nothing to lose from just making some phone calls and sending some CD's to labels. Who knows what will happen, maybe you'll get a 3 album deal or something!

Of course, you're not going to be making millions from prog metal, but if you constantly tour, eventually you will get a fan base and you should be able to live decently. There are people now who graduated from Harvard who are doctors and have no jobs, so you might as well try to give it your best shot. The "being a rockstar is a stupid dream, so going to Harvard to be a doctor is so much more mature" attitude is really wearing thin these days. Look at that guy who created facebook. All he did was make a website and look where he is at now!

I'm still only 17, but I'm sticking to my life long goal of "making it" in the industry, at least as an underground band. If King Diamond can put on his makeup and sing in falsetto about a crazy grandma who can talk to the dead and make a living out of it for over 25 years, I think I stand a pretty good chance! The same goes for Cannibal Corpse and GWAR!

As for Tetrafusion, they already have their music being distributed by Sony so they are on their way to the top! I bet in less than 10 years, they will be Dream Theater/ Symphony X status. I reccomend their first album, "Absolute Zero" if you are into instrumental-Liquid Tension Experiment kind of prog and their recent "Altered State" album if you want to hear vocals. You really can't go wrong with either. Their first album came out in 2009, so the paint is practically still drying.
Hey man, i absolutely agree with some of your points, but i actually love my job, im a chemical engineer and i dont mind working 8-10 hours on my projects everyday. Now, if you told me quit everything and start touring and you will make the same money as you do right now, i would say where do i sign, right?

but i can only speak for myself, i know for a fact that if it came to that, at least one of my bandmates would say no, because of several factors like religion and other commitments. so "get other members" you could say, but thats just not the case for me. part of what makes a band Good, is the chemistry between everyone in the band, and we have been a band for 10 years now. we learned to play together, imagine that. so if i dont get to play with them, i dont want it.

i really enjoy and embrace your positive attitude and if its your dream man, go for it. it never really was a dream for me, i just wanted to hang out with my best friends and have fun writing music and playing live so i wouldnt think of it as a "defeatist attitude", but i understand it could appear that way. anyway, i hope everything works out for you and id love to listen to any of your stuff when u get to record your songs. just gimme a heads up!
Hey man, i absolutely agree with some of your points, but i actually love my job, im a chemical engineer and i dont mind working 8-10 hours on my projects everyday. Now, if you told me quit everything and start touring and you will make the same money as you do right now, i would say where do i sign, right?

but i can only speak for myself, i know for a fact that if it came to that, at least one of my bandmates would say no, because of several factors like religion and other commitments. so "get other members" you could say, but thats just not the case for me. part of what makes a band Good, is the chemistry between everyone in the band, and we have been a band for 10 years now. we learned to play together, imagine that. so if i dont get to play with them, i dont want it.

i really enjoy and embrace your positive attitude and if its your dream man, go for it. it never really was a dream for me, i just wanted to hang out with my best friends and have fun writing music and playing live so i wouldnt think of it as a "defeatist attitude", but i understand it could appear that way. anyway, i hope everything works out for you and id love to listen to any of your stuff when u get to record your songs. just gimme a heads up!

You're very lucky that you love your job! I work at McDonald's and I fucking hate it! I live in a run-down place where it seems that everyone is depressed and hates their lives and I just want to rise above it all and prove that I can do whatever I want. A lot of people are so quick to say "it'll never happen for me" and will continue to be a garbage man or taxi driver for the rest of their lives saying how they "almost" made it.

I recently wrote an add on Craigslist to look for musicians who wanted to start a band "similar to Peter Gabriel-Genesis and Fish-Marillion" and I got tons of phone calls and emails! That lets me know that there are lots of people out there who want to quit their lame grocery store jobs and try to make it in a band. I am currently not in a legit band now but I plan on starting one very soon. It is a strange coincidence that Peter Gabriel was my age when he joined Genesis! Let's hope history repeats itself.