The Official Doom Thread

Let us see if this idear takes off. Thread can be moved/stickied here or in the reviews section. New, classic, uber kvlt underground, etc...All Doom all the time! :kickass:


Hour of 13

Debut album set to come out November 1st
Sumissive to Evil MP3

Sorry it just arrived now about a month late....

It's here now.:rock:
Got mine (along with the shirt which came with free bonus crapload of white fur/fuzz/hair on it) as I left for work.

After spins in the car and spins at work and currently spinning it right now, this album is absolutely ruling me face and scratching me where i needs to be scratched. :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Got mine (along with the shirt which came with free bonus crapload of white fur/fuzz/hair on it) as I left for work.

After spins in the car and spins at work and currently spinning it right now, this album is absolutely ruling me face and scratching me where i needs to be scratched. :kickass::kickass::kickass:

OMG! /charlie

I can't wait to hear this! Hopefully today, but probably tomorrow!

EDIT: Wtf is the white fur/fuzz/hair?