The official I love Teargas Thread


Apr 6, 2010
God dam, the best song they ever wrote. It's got everything heaviness, a crazy melodic instrumental break, Constant Head banging with a miserable chorus to sing to. Love the fact that they kept the vocals at one volume and just increase the the loudness of the guitar and when that dude just fucking attacks the cymbals. I'm srry, got carried away. My favorite song ever.

Edit: also can't wait till i go back to my dads house so i can just attempt to do drums to this track, The best beat I heard this dude do.
Not my favorite song of Katatonia, still a very good song. Drums are great yeah, a very similiar drum line of the chorus part is in Tonight's Music also. I've never seen anyone mentioning it however the two opening chords are just fantastic. One of the best sounding chords, very surreal and mysterious.
Such a great fucking song. I've been listening to Katatonia for about 2 years now. I gotta admit it is like my second fave song by them. First being either Evidence or July. Idk, I'm weird, sometimes I have faves that aren't common