true, but eastern promises is fantastic.
The Waking Life...
Shame the other thread was deleted. Was looking forward to reactions to my tarantino rant.
Well basically I won't get started as I will go into another long and film nerdy rant. But basically he is incredibly overrated. He has made good movies, namely his first two, but he is still incredibly highly rated. Which IMO is ridiculous given his small output and it's quality; being ranked amongst the best directors ever is a joke. There are a lot of way worse directors out there but there are much better. That and him being a promotion/sergio leone ode whore as well as the constant "questionable" referencing of film after film. There's paying homage and then there's stealing, he goes quite close to the line quite often. Stylistically he also becomes tiresome. He does write quite good dialogue some of the time, but he has basically gotten to a point now where he knows so many noobs will eat out of his hand he can write the same scenes slightly differently over and over. Basically if you think tarantino is original or innovative you basically need to see more films. It sounds arrogant but it is an unfortunate fact. <see I can't help myself haha. Too much of a film buffMe so curious, what did you say?
I don't know about Tarantino, I'm not an expert on films or directors, however I think Samuel Jackson's last monologue in Pulp Fiction absolutely kicks ass... don't know if it would have been as good if anybody else would have said that though, amazing actor.
Well basically I won't get started as I will go into another long and film nerdy rant. But basically he is incredibly overrated. He has made good movies, namely his first two, but he is still incredibly highly rated. Which IMO is ridiculous given his small output and it's quality; being ranked amongst the best directors ever is a joke. There are a lot of way worse directors out there but there are much better. That and him being a promotion/sergio leone ode whore as well as the constant "questionable" referencing of film after film. There's paying homage and then there's stealing, he goes quite close to the line quite often. Stylistically he also becomes tiresome. He does write quite good dialogue some of the time, but he has basically gotten to a point now where he knows so many noobs will eat out of his hand he can write the same scenes slightly differently over and over. Basically if you think tarantino is original or innovative you basically need to see more films. It sounds arrogant but it is an unfortunate fact. <see I can't help myself haha. Too much of a film buff.
Well basically I won't get started as I will go into another long and film nerdy rant. But basically he is incredibly overrated. He has made good movies, namely his first two, but he is still incredibly highly rated. Which IMO is ridiculous given his small output and it's quality; being ranked amongst the best directors ever is a joke. There are a lot of way worse directors out there but there are much better. That and him being a promotion/sergio leone ode whore as well as the constant "questionable" referencing of film after film. There's paying homage and then there's stealing, he goes quite close to the line quite often. Stylistically he also becomes tiresome. He does write quite good dialogue some of the time, but he has basically gotten to a point now where he knows so many noobs will eat out of his hand he can write the same scenes slightly differently over and over. Basically if you think tarantino is original or innovative you basically need to see more films. It sounds arrogant but it is an unfortunate fact. <see I can't help myself haha. Too much of a film buff.
Well basically I won't get started as I will go into another long and film nerdy rant. But basically he is incredibly overrated. He has made good movies, namely his first two, but he is still incredibly highly rated. Which IMO is ridiculous given his small output and it's quality; being ranked amongst the best directors ever is a joke. There are a lot of way worse directors out there but there are much better. That and him being a promotion/sergio leone ode whore as well as the constant "questionable" referencing of film after film. There's paying homage and then there's stealing, he goes quite close to the line quite often. Stylistically he also becomes tiresome. He does write quite good dialogue some of the time, but he has basically gotten to a point now where he knows so many noobs will eat out of his hand he can write the same scenes slightly differently over and over. Basically if you think tarantino is original or innovative you basically need to see more films. It sounds arrogant but it is an unfortunate fact. <see I can't help myself haha. Too much of a film buff.