The official "Post here if your are a regular" thread

I think what counts is the small car to tall height ratio, how tall are you and what do you drive?

"Whoa, that dude is TALL!"
--some dude we walked by in NYC, referring to lurch :tickled:
Demilich said:
i drive a Honda Oddyssey (my mom's), and it's almost as tall as me! i guess i lose this round :(

how tall is lurch anyway?
haha, soccer mom. Don't take offense, I drive a station wagon, the ORIGINAL soccer mom vehicle. It's fast as all giddy up though. :p

I think he's 6'7" / 200cm, if I recall correctly.

EDIT: I was right, I win the prize! The prize is to eat another cough drop, hooray!
lurch70 said:
that is a soccer mom vehicle for kids who have TWO moms :D
Station wagons = gay, Subaru station wagons = lesbian. I'm proud to say I eat pussy. :tickled:

It is ASTOUNDING how cops leave me alone, knock on wood of course. My stupid pickup I had attracted a ridiculous amount of attention, just some small 2WD Toyota but apparently the burgundy color angered up the pig blood, or something.
We're all pretty big fans of gays and gay issues (not to mention some serious pole smoking), so I wouldn't count on it.
One Inch Man said:
Whoa, they have competitions? That sounds even better than midget porn!

Don't be silly. 2 men can put in more strength and effort to sex than a man and woman because a man has to be gentle with a woman but whenn sexing another man, you don't have to be gentle and you can be so rough that you cause physical damage.