JayKeeley said:
Hey Nad- you should answer the questions then.

Everybody thinks 'NAD' is American.
Seriously! That account t'ain't me kiddies!
1. What kind of wrist watch does Dreamlord own? [Description will suffice]
Casio w/ like 23985 alarms.
2. What nationality is 'NAD'?
A gook of some sorts, although I think he lives in the UK.
3. What is the name of Marksveld's band?
Noltem and Wind Through the Trees
4. Which two RC regulars recently had a blind date?
Nico and mousewings
5. Who is more of a nazi - Ayeka or Fotmbm? [Support your opinion]
When drunk, Ayeka turns puritanical, but Footbalm keeps it real by sieg heiling with reckless abandon. Footbalm.
6. Which forum regular drives a MINI?
The tallest fucker here.
7. In which city did JayKeeley meet Haddsie?
Germany.... City. Hamburg I think. I forget. :Spin:
8. Of all forum visitors (past or present), who does Markgugs hate the most?
commandante (he was here the other day, I wanted to bump the YOU FAGGOT thread)
9. Who is on invisible mode for 18 hours a day, playing air drums?
10. What slogan exists on Papa Josh's shirt regarding some middle eastern country?
11. Which nations flag badge resides on a particular Hammers beanie?
Canada! My beanie + pin that mousewings sent me
12. Who is the newest member of the RC staff?
13. Which regular has an Anthrax tattoo on their arm?
Evil C.
14. In an internet lesbian sex chat between ct_thrash and mousewings, who would wear the virtual strap on?
It's painfully obvious that it'd be ct_thrash.
15. Which forum member is least likely to start a thread containing anything related to music? One Inch Man excluded.
16. Nominate the funniest/best thread ever on RC. [clue for n00bs: see question 1]
Celtic Frost, although there have been many good ones.
17. What does the number 17 signify?
If I remember right, absolutely nothing.