The ONE AND ONLY "Meaning of Life" + Other related Discussions Thread

Final_Product said:
Aslong as my TV doesn't cut out, I don't care!

Good, the commercials and programming will impel you--almost subconsciously--to buy, buy, buy! And to buy, one needs lucre obtained from pointless employment.
speed said:
Good, the commercials and programming will impel you--almost subconsciously--to buy, buy, buy! And to buy, one needs lucre obtained from pointless employment.

I LOVE home shopping networks, I infact just purchased a plasma TV for my bathroom! DIVINE! Now I can be plugged in 24/7!
Final_Product said:
I LOVE home shopping networks, I infact just purchased a plasma TV for my bathroom! DIVINE! Now I can be plugged in 24/7!

Oh your poor credit cards! They must be working up a storm.

Or...Final Product, are you the lone scion of some Scottish Lord? Some venerable stoic roman-nosed chap with proper estates and drafty castles? If so, I would like to throw myself at your aristocratic noblige oblisse, and invite myself to one of your splendid manors replete with omnipresent plasma screens.
speed said:
Oh your poor credit cards! They must be working up a storm.

Or...Final Product, are you the lone scion of some Scottish Lord? Some venerable stoic roman-nosed chap with proper estates and drafty castles? If so, I would like to throw myself at your aristocratic noblige oblisse, and invite myself to one of your splendid manors replete with omnipresent plasma screens.

I am but a poor slave to an ungrateful employer! My castle consists of damp room, upon damp room. Surrounded by foreign peoples, I watch my plasma TV and hope to escape this dreary existence!
Final_Product said:
I am but a poor slave to an ungrateful employer! My castle consists of damp room, upon damp room. Surrounded by foreign peoples, I watch my plasma TV and hope to escape this dreary existence!

I will first draw up the necessary papers...would you prefer rope, pills, bullets or knives? I'd be happy to assist in whichever you so choose.
NeverIsForever said:
we are here by chance, based on the environmental pressures encountered by the creatures from which we evolved. Had conditions been different for those species, human beings might look and function in vastly different ways
if that meteor hadn't killed off the dinosaurs, the dominant human-esque species would be reptilian
Crycheck said:
I suppose most people will think it's a lame thought but,

I belive our only purpose is to breed. So is the life of any other animal. Stay alive, raise an offspring, die.
I see no reason to belive that humans are any different, maybe because I'm not religious.
You may want to find some other meaning during this period though, like the "Do what thou wilt" philosophy. (Not "Do what you want")
So why are you wasting your time considering phylosophical questions on internet forum, and why are you spending your time listening to music, a form of art, instead of doing your duty to universe, breeding, feeding taking a shit? GO BREED!

On a more serious note, any form of "philosophie" that "we are not better than animals" is made rediculous at the very moment the person states this as his view at life, thus proving that his interests and intentions are much more different than interests of an animal. Finaly, animals do learn, some of them are self-aware, can have a sense of humor, have fun, have sex because of pleasure and not only because of instict etc.
Dushan S said:
So why are you wasting your time considering phylosophical questions on internet forum, and why are you spending your time listening to music, a form of art, instead of doing your duty to universe, breeding, feeding taking a shit? GO BREED!

On a more serious note, any form of "philosophie" that "we are not better than animals" is made rediculous at the very moment the person states this as his view at life, thus proving that his interests and intentions are much more different than interests of an animal. Finaly, animals do learn, some of them are self-aware, can have a sense of humor, have fun, have sex because of pleasure and not only because of instict etc.

We can breed to spread our genes and we can go on forums to spread our memes!
if that meteor hadn't killed off the dinosaurs, the dominant human-esque species would be reptilian

I find this rather assumptive.
I would like to see you back this 'reptilian dominance' theory up, I'm intruiged. Why wouldn't man be able to tame (large) reptiles?
Heavenscent said:
I find this rather assumptive.
I would like to see you back this 'reptilian dominance' theory up, I'm intruiged. Why wouldn't man be able to tame (large) reptiles?

I've heard of this idea before. The dominant form of life before the meteor struck and killed them off (with temperatures too cold as the sun got blocked out?) were the dinosaurs. The only mammals at this time were very small (rodents?) and they were kept down in their numbers and in the potential to evolve into more advanced mammals by the dinosaurs. So if the meteor had not struck then evolution would have affected the dinosaurs so that they could have become able to use tools and developed intelligence. This cannot happen with the reptiles now because humans are the dominant lifeform.

This is why the idea of aliens that are reptilian is not as strange as first appears.
I find I cannot agree with this.
About the meteor hitting the earth killing most dinosaurs, I am not sure, I find drastic climatic change a more acceptable explanation for their extinction, but this is not what I mean to discuss, because it would probably end in a yes-no argument.
What I can't agree with is that the reptiles would be the dominant species. What if the extinction of species (where you metion the meteor) wouldn't have occured, one must consider the possibility that any other species than reptiles could've become the dominant species, developing human-like intelligence.
Heavenscent said:
I find I cannot agree with this.
About the meteor hitting the earth killing most dinosaurs, I am not sure, I find drastic climatic change a more acceptable explanation for their extinction, but this is not what I mean to discuss, because it would probably end in a yes-no argument.
What I can't agree with is that the reptiles would be the dominant species. What if the extinction of species (where you metion the meteor) wouldn't have occured, one must consider the possibility that any other species than reptiles could've become the dominant species, developing human-like intelligence.

The idea is that mammals were stymied by the fact that dinosaurs were eating them and occupying a niche that they could not move into during evolution, dinosaurs eating the food. So the reptiles got a head start over the mammals and if this continued they would reach a stage where they would eliminate any mammals that were a nuisance to them (as well as hunting them) and not share territory with them, just as humans do to animals .
Norsemaiden said:
I've heard of this idea before. The dominant form of life before the meteor struck and killed them off (with temperatures too cold as the sun got blocked out?) were the dinosaurs. The only mammals at this time were very small (rodents?) and they were kept down in their numbers and in the potential to evolve into more advanced mammals by the dinosaurs. So if the meteor had not struck then evolution would have affected the dinosaurs so that they could have become able to use tools and developed intelligence. This cannot happen with the reptiles now because humans are the dominant lifeform. This is why the idea of aliens that are reptilian is not as strange as first appears.
i remember this show that was all about how there were 2 seperate species of aliens in addition to "the grays"
the first one looks like humans but they're all blue-eyed blondes with freaky pale blue-tinted skin and that these aliens are completely dazzled by brown eyes dark hair and black people's skin color

and the other species REALLY IS REPTILIAN!!!
Dushan S said:
So why are you wasting your time considering phylosophical questions on internet forum, and why are you spending your time listening to music, a form of art, instead of doing your duty to universe, breeding, feeding taking a shit? GO BREED!

I don't think I understand what you mean really. I said that survival is the purpose of life. Not that I think it's what everyone must do without ever doing anything else.
Norsemaiden said:
We can breed to spread our genes and we can go on forums to spread our memes!
Actually, I do know some people that are visiting internet forums in hope to get the chance to spread their genes around :p :grin:

I don't think I understand what you mean really. I said that survival is the purpose of life. Not that I think it's what everyone must do without ever doing anything else.
If your everyday life would show that your most important values are connected with survival (and there are those kind of people) than it would be ok. If having sex for pleasure is more important for you than having sex for having children, if you are more about to find common things with people and come along instead about having things only your way and having them for yourself, etc etc, than it is clear that even if you say you think survival is purpose of life, the truth is quite different. Ones opinion is not what someone claims it is, but what is clearly shown thru his acts and deeds.
It is if like I would comment against "american way of life" or capitalism (as a lot of people do when having philosophical arguments) but at the same time I am enjoying freedom of speech to say those things in internet while eating Big Mac.

Off course if you can somehow explain and prove that you really value survival above everything the most, then I will admit you were right, telling the truth.

The idea is that mammals were stymied by the fact that dinosaurs were eating them and occupying a niche that they could not move into during evolution, dinosaurs eating the food. So the reptiles got a head start over the mammals and if this continued they would reach a stage where they would eliminate any mammals that were a nuisance to them (as well as hunting them) and not share territory with them, just as humans do to animals .
I think that this theory is not quite logical. (from the point of modified "updated" Darvinism that is still taken as a scientific truth) Animal species are not really one against another. Even if it appears like that. One animal is eating another as a form of balance and regulation, it is keeping their number at right point. Also, mammals are result of development and advancement of reptiles to challenges of the nature. They have came to existence because it was a good solution. Time has proved that reptiles can exist just in specific climates, while mammals can develop and adapt at more broad range of climates. Finally, humans were inferior to other stronger animals, and reason for their developement of intellect was partly because of that inferiority. So I do think that even if there was no any events that caused extinction of dinosaurs, we would have human civilization here anyway. We could probably see T-Rex in a Zoo, see Brachiosaurus in African national park on a Discovery channel, have small dinosauruses as a home pets, and have some species of dinosauruses destroyed completely like humans have destroyed some other species thru haunting, but everything else about our civiliyation would be much the same.
Dushan S said:
Actually, I do know some people that are visiting internet forums in hope to get the chance to spread their genes around :p :grin:

If your everyday life would show that your most important values are connected with survival (and there are those kind of people) than it would be ok. If having sex for pleasure is more important for you than having sex for having children, if you are more about to find common things with people and come along instead about having things only your way and having them for yourself, etc etc, than it is clear that even if you say you think survival is purpose of life, the truth is quite different. Ones opinion is not what someone claims it is, but what is clearly shown thru his acts and deeds.
It is if like I would comment against "american way of life" or capitalism (as a lot of people do when having philosophical arguments) but at the same time I am enjoying freedom of speech to say those things in internet while eating Big Mac.

Off course if you can somehow explain and prove that you really value survival above everything the most, then I will admit you were right, telling the truth.

I think that this theory is not quite logical. (from the point of modified "updated" Darvinism that is still taken as a scientific truth) Animal species are not really one against another. Even if it appears like that. One animal is eating another as a form of balance and regulation, it is keeping their number at right point. Also, mammals are result of development and advancement of reptiles to challenges of the nature. They have came to existence because it was a good solution. Time has proved that reptiles can exist just in specific climates, while mammals can develop and adapt at more broad range of climates. Finally, humans were inferior to other stronger animals, and reason for their developement of intellect was partly because of that inferiority. So I do think that even if there was no any events that caused extinction of dinosaurs, we would have human civilization here anyway. We could probably see T-Rex in a Zoo, see Brachiosaurus in African national park on a Discovery channel, have small dinosauruses as a home pets, and have some species of dinosauruses destroyed completely like humans have destroyed some other species thru haunting, but everything else about our civiliyation would be much the same.

"Warm bloodedness is believed to have first evolved among the cynodonts [an animal of the order Therapsida - mammal like reptiles], a late but successful group of mammal-like reptiles from which the mammals evolved."

Mammal-like reptiles were the dominant terrestrial animals by the middle Permian period. There was a great mass extinction event at the end of the Triassic when they went extinct, and the dinosaurs became dominant.

But, just before the extinction of the mammal-like reptiles, some of them had "evolved to become primitive mammals (subclass Prototheria)." They were tiny insectivores.

"While mammal-like reptiles were extinct by the time the dinosaurs really took off, there was an overlap period with the first meat eating dinosaurs, which would have been faster and bigger predators." See picture of cynodont.

"As soon as the dinosaurs died out, mammals by default were the dominant terrestrial creatures," "but they didn't reach any dinosaur's size for about ten million years."

BREAKING NEWS!!! UPDATE!!! Today's New Scientist magazine says that it has just been discovered that there actually WAS a species of large mammals living at the same time as dinosaurs. However, the species died out (possibly before the dinosaurs) and had no decendents.