The Online Collaboration Thread


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
Ok. Here it is. The Online collaboration Thread. The title says it all.

I've took it upon myself to lay down some basic rules in order to keep this thread somewhat organized.
If anyone has a problem with these rules then we can discuss them and take it from there.
Brett has been kind enough to sticky this thread if Andy gives the ok to do so.
Hint, hint...

This is where members of this forum can post their work that has been collaborated with others online. "Others online" meaning other people within this forum as well as outside of this forum. It doesn't matter. As long as someone from this forum is involved.
If you want to collaborate then start a new thread to do it and then post the results in here. Usually when this is attempted it ends up falling through the cracks and becomes pages and pages of a sad, disappointing, waste of time. We should avoid this here.
I don't know if we really want to deal with links to other threads with collaborations where we have to search for it either.

Full length songs are much preferred but clips are acceptable as well as are links to websites like official collaboration band sites or soundclick, ect...

This thread may start off very slow but the more people collaborate and post their results, the more active I believe this thread will become over time.

I know J the Tyrant (J, where are you?) did vocals for Pantara's Mouth For War while various members tried their hand at guitar with backing tracks by BlackNeaonBob I think?
And one of our new members,TVitacco, has done a cool online collaboration.
I'd like to see that stuff in here.

So who will be the first?
Lets kick things off, one for the collaborations vault here. Here's a basic description:

Chorus was sung by Everybody's X, the rest of the vocals by Descent. Everything else was done by me. Drums are DFHS.

Kick drum is the Premier kick only, snare is DW snare 60% and a sample I have laying around 40%. Guitars are an ESP RL Random Star, EMG85 in the bridge tracked through a Triple Rectifier (via a PodXT Tubescreamer), into a Mesa Tradition Cab), miced with an SM57 going into a Mackie Onyx 800R Pre.

and here it is: Fixation On The Darkness: Descent & Everybody's X

Fixation On The Darkness: Everybody's X

Long may this thread continue.

Also, maybe its an idea to move this to the Rate my mix/tone sub forum so it doesn't clog up this one.
Nice! :rock:
Let's get the other version in here also with EX doing all the vocals. The idea being that people can hear what others are capable of and choosing to contact them for possible future projects. Not that they would have the time or be willing but you never know. Anythings possible and it couldn't hurt. :)

Edit: Thanks Bob! J's vox are on RipShredmohr's version.
Done and done. Maybe we could collate all the links into the first page so that they can be found easier?

Its is a lot of work though. This thread is a great idea though, it will help others to find musicians really quickly and will be able to hear how they sound.
That's a good idea. How about we see how this thread comes along and if and when it's getting pretty long, (say over 10 pages?) then I'll copy & paste all the links into my first post and then continue to do so?
Black Neon Bob is my hero. :notworthy

I've had Toxic Grind Machine pumping through the car stereo all week.

I'm getting a mate who is the vocalist of a Local Metal Band "Belakor" to lay vocals on my Melodic Metal Project. Is that the sort of stuff that you want posted?
I'm getting a mate who is the vocalist of a Local Metal Band "Belakor" to lay vocals on my Melodic Metal Project. Is that the sort of stuff that you want posted?

As far as I'm concerned, yes, post it.
These type of postings could lead to possible projects with people whom we may not ever have known about otherwise. Plus I'm guessing that online collaborations that actually get completed are not very common so it's not like this thread is going to be bombarded with stuff anyway. Although I could be wrong. :erk:
I did vocals, leads, and a riff at the end of a stoner rock version of Megadeth's "Moto Psycho" that some dude in Malaysia recorded :lol:

I didn't do it to practice mixing or getting good tones or anything (including pitch :erk: ), I did it cuz it was fun. Just a POD Pro and my vocals over an mp3 the dude recorded using who knows what, but I like it.

Yeah've got to do that again, pick another cover song and have another challenge.

Here's the version I was supposed to send you....think it was mixed up

haha.. a month and some days later i discover this thread again.. sorry about that man, i never check enough on what and in what thread i post in! :waah:

Been at work lately, got a mixjob coming up, i think i can do a new challenge of a new cover song pretty soon though... it was good fun!