Well, we need to get started :D I'm still not sure if this should stay raw grind core like Scum, or if we should plan out the songs a bit better with guitar pro and mix in different styles sometimes, maybe a touch of hardcore, or a few jazzy sections sometimes maybe.
I think we should start by using the GP file that DanLights has made, its a good template for each member and their tracks. I tried recording straight there and then, and everything I was coming up with was just shit :( If we plan the songs out I think we will be able to get a tighter grind sound :D and we all can get better at our separate parts.
Also, don't write riffs that involve too much moving around on the frets :D My arm strains have been getting worse after trying to record some grind riffs the other day :( But I can do plenty of furious tremolo picked riffs and shit, just not tech death metal riffs like Decapitated or something!
Ahhh Viva beat me to it...

Ah well, you will probably be better than me anyway...

Maybe I can guest solo a little piece :p
hey mucky, i have a ton of great riff/part in my head. that you can combine it together to the song...maybe i can share a land to dance:kickass:
If anyone has any ideas for riffs, tab them in Tux Guitar or Guitar Pro and email the tabs, it would be cool to get this started again!