The 'Opeth Effect'

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Wowzer, the 'Opeth Effect' is catching on!!! we cant lose!!


’’ .. tired, dull, incipid nonsense … So dissappointing … so monotonous & dull … your new direction is poor. To say the least. .. reimburse me for the money spent on your new stinker. That was hard-earned cash that you swindled from me.. the album sucks .. ‘’


‘’ … in my opinion new album is very natural successor of 'saviour'. they did great thing as 'lights out' still has the same dark and emotive atmospere,’’


‘’ … A great band … i downloaded a track from "Lights out", and ordered it a few seconds after listening...’’


‘’ …"Lights Out" is quite good! ‘’
Mick Moss said:
Wowzer, the 'Opeth Effect' is catching on!!! we cant lose!!


’’ .. tired, dull, incipid nonsense … So dissappointing … so monotonous & dull … your new direction is poor. To say the least. .. reimburse me for the money spent on your new stinker. That was hard-earned cash that you swindled from me.. the album sucks .. ‘’


‘’ …"Lights Out" is quite good! ‘’

Please remember, however, that the first post was said in jest (as was stated throughout that thread)!

By the way, after Deep Purple & Led Zep, Opeth may be the best band ever, IMO of course.
sol83 said:
must be... bonham compared with wahtshisname? do you think we're stupid? :mad:

Hmmm, I'd not realized that levels of intelligence actually have a part in shaping one's appreciation - or lack thereof - of music (or any form of art).
Perhaps you have something valuable to share with the world concerning this? :Spin:

SoundMaster, theres a few things you must realize. You know that I want you, you know that I need you FFS! Do you know what its like to see the world through my eyes?
I must snare to flirt on this cold, disgothic cold beauty!
Beggers elf may compromise but Im sure you couldnt curtain a cardboard cardinal! hooot hoot
SoundMaster said:
Hmmm, I'd not realized that levels of intelligence actually have a part in shaping one's appreciation - or lack thereof - of music (or any form of art).
Perhaps you have something valuable to share with the world concerning this? :Spin:

funnily enough most clever people i met thought opeth was shit and liked dave murray better than jannick gers.
Strangelight said:
SoundMaster, Do you know what its like to see the world through my eyes?

But of course not. Nor can you see the world through mine, nor can either of us see the world through the eyes of, say Jannick Gers, or anyone else for that matter!

'Tis the beauty of opinions & expression! For all of the "sameness" exhibited in today's world, there still exists bucketloads of thoughts & ideals that are purely unique to every individual!

gers is necessary cos he provides all the fun. the other two play while he throws his guitar in the air, does circles around himself and other nice stuff...
sol83 said:
gers is necessary cos he provides all the fun. the other two play while he throws his guitar in the air, does circles around himself and other nice stuff...

Gers looks quite silly actually, what with his 70s style Robert Plant mane gone-awry and his "puppet on strings" antics.
However, he's actually penned some of their better new material.