The Painter's Palette reviews

there's a great review on the new NEGATIVE Mailorder Catalogue, the biggest metal-mailorder in Italy, it ends saying that "...this is surely one of the best album of the last 10 years of Metal history..."
this is a great one... :D:

" Italian weirdos Ephel Duath started in 1998 with the duo of Davide (vocals, guitars, and keyboards) and Guiliano (vocals, guitars, bass, and keyboards). They released a popular demo, Opera, and signed with Code 666 for their debut; 2000's Phormula. The duo were rooted in black metal, but added progressive and techno elements, along with an unorthodox technique. They caught the ear of Lee Barrett who signed them to his new company Elitist. Distributed through Earache, Phormula, Opera, and a pair of remixes were packaged together and released as Rephormula. A very ambitious vision has been put forth by Ephel Duath but nothing could prepare people for The Painter's Palette. Giuliano has departed and Davide has now recruited a full line-up of musicians. I can't even begin to give The Painter's Palette justice. The noisy saxophone and jazz beat which opens "The Passage" is incomparable. The screaming vocals of Lucio Lorusso greet the listener before succombing to Davide Tolomei's clean-toned, progressive style of singing. There's some progressive jazz and techno also somehow mixed in there. The skillful playing on The Painter's Palette rank among the best ever. If you thought Pestilence, Atheist, and Cynic were capable of inspiring awe, wait until you hear how great these musicians can play. There are two particularly amazing things here. The music somehow flows and the abrupt changes are deceptive because it all somehow fits together. Some bands sound schizophrenic when they bounce back and forth between the melodic and the aggressive--not even Fear Factory had this type of conintuity. Secondly, the vocalists are unbelievably talented and for once they match the high level of skill that the musicians possess- and let me tell you, these guys play like they've been training their whole lives for this. Davide's clean vocals are catchy and soothing while Lucio screams with absolute vengeance. This is easily one of the most impressive discs of this decade. Something that will unite prog with black metal to industrial and jazz. How do they make it sound so effortless? Album Score: 10 out of 10
Reviewed by:
Brett VanPut"
The Brag magazine: "Italian avant-garde metallers Ephel Duath have once again reached new heights in genre defying catagorisation with this their second album, and classifying their art with the general term of prog metal is just too simplistic a description. They have hacked into the musical DNA of Jazz, Black Metal and Hardcore, extracting the heart of each, and building a complete and complex structure like Dr Frankenstein's new sexy and psychotic Latin lover. With oh so very odd time signatures and constant tempo changes, imperfect discords and even saxophone solos, a comfortingly crazed harmony is born. If you hunger for what's outside the square, this is it."
Metalheart webzine:

EPHEL DUATH – THE PAINTER’S PALETTE Tornano gli Ephel Duath, probabilmente la band estrema più folle d’Europa. Li avevamo lasciati tempo fa con Rephormula, entrato di diritto nei masterpieces di Metal Hearts in virtù di una “voglia di osare” assolutamente fuori dal comune, paragonabile solo a quella degli Arcturus più eccentrici. La band di Davide Tiso risorge completamente rinnovata nello spirito (musicale) e nella sostanza (musicisti): la nuova lineup vede Tiso (compositore principale e chitarrista) affiancato da Davide Piovesan (insegnante di percussioni e poliritmie dal background jazz-blues), Fabio Fecchio (bassista di estrazione prog-fusion), Davide Tolomei (clean vocals) e Lucio Lorusso (screamer proveniente da formazioni hardcore-apocalittiche). Questo incredibile miscuglio di stili ed influenze (buona parte del gruppo non conosceva il metal estremo, ad esempio) hanno dato vita a The Painter’s Palette, nove tracce che definire sperimentali sarebbe riduttivo: il concept associa ad ogni traccia la descrizione (musicale) di un colore…qualcuno ha detto sinestesia? E’ indubbiamente stupefacente la complessità tecnica dei pezzi, che passano da schegge blues a stralci jazz (con tanto di sassofono), per poi esplodere in sfuriate hardcore cantate su ritmiche jungle...L’alchimia dei componenti degli Ephel Duath è formalmente perfetta, e i cinque si destreggiano attraverso composizioni di rara complessità con una facilità disarmante. Risaltano particolarmente la splendida strumentale Praha – Ancient Gold (un piccolo capolavoro) e l’opener Passage – Pearl Grey. Oltre ad un plauso alle composizioni, oramai anni luce distanti dagli esordi black metal di Opera, ho apprezzato la splendida voce di Tolomei, assai vicina a quella del Jeff Buckley di Grace. Non manca però qualche difetto: decisamente inferiore allo screaming di Tiso su Phormula e Rephormula risulta il cantato di Lorusso, troppo ancorato alle tonalità hardcore per i miei gusti (avrei preferito solo la voce pulita, piuttosto…). Inoltre The Painter’s Palette è un disco disarmante, probabilmente la cosa meno easy listening che abbia avuto occasione d’ascoltare…Ma se non temete la misantropia ragionata compratelo ad occhi chiusi, avrete fra le mani un altro imperdibile capitolo targato Ephel Duath.