The POWER of love

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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This is basically spam, so I expect it to be deleted. So life is getting a bit tricky now, relationship, friendship, work, school, mental masturbating,etc,etc. I have discovered I have almost no fucking time to do anything I need to do, well time to make me feel beter on an emotional level.

There are certain things that I have been meaning to get done for months, yet have NO time to do them. The DT forum is not a home anymore, my relationships with friends are suffering b/c of my current position. So what am I to do?

Well Im to go to Washington D.C in the summer (probably) and visit the one and only Claudia (Hyena), and I hope that few days out of my hectic, yet semi-important existance will make me feel better and let me escape into the world of monuments, Italians, and the crooked leaders of these United States.

Oh the title of the thread really doesnt mean anything, I was watching some shitty 80's movie on HBO afew minutes ago, and that song was in it.

And another thing; sometimes it seems like the whole world has kicked you in the face, then stabbed you to death, but should that bother you? No of coarse not, thats life huh? Its hard when you have to be the "strong" one in relationships, and I'll just stop talking now.

Nick(privacy was raped)
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@nick: always expect the unexpected. i think i'm a turn this thread into one about power metal songs and their approach to love themes. but first let me comment on your situation. i understand that things change, but they're hardly impossible to revert back to how they were before. so i guess some sort of oscillation between paying more attention to relationships, the forum, school, and devoting more time to other things instead is only to be expected. there's nothing dramatic or drastic in this and i think the people you relate to are supposed to be able to understand that. i, for once, am understanding it perfectly because i'm very smart. :D :p

back to power metal songs and love. i'd like you to ponder a bit how it's pretty clear geeky metal lyricists have no experience with relationships whatsoever since in all their songs the counterpart (women, of course) are as invisible and transparent as centuries-old ghosts. they just happen to have an affair with these incredibly tough power metal guys who at some point either die, go to war, are cursed by the ancient king of bu-sothoth, or possibly all of these things together. another possibility is we get to hear the mournful weeping of emo warriors whose dear wife just died in an incredibly unlikely accident involving prophecies, witches, gods, and an astonishing amount of butter.
anyone care to provide some example?

@nick: i can't either. for instance your bad, bad spelling of pinocchio knocks me to the floor with seizures. ;) i think at times coping is overrated, but i just read your edit to the first post and i gather something's wrong with either your relationship or external events affecting it. it's maybe very hard to be strong(er) at times, but it pays off good in the long run, and - honestly - there aren't that many things that do.

Dreams Come True

Never thought I’d feel again, feel the darkness fade and see the morning sun arise
Never thought I’d feel alive again, senses dull and blunt from all the lies

Now, when I hold your face so close to mine I see a place where the sun will shine, with you it is divine

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I’ll be lost and never found again. Kiss me once and I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I will never leave your side…(if) Dreams Come True

Do I dare to trust this time? Ooh, the Bells of Fortune, will I ever hear them chime?
Only those who have been burned before truly know the meaning of Hell's flaming core

I was the brooding night and you were dawn. Saving me, for I was forlorn, in your light I am reborn.

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I’ll be lost and never found again. Kiss me once and I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I will never leave your side…(if) Dreams Come True

Then, when the walls are breaking down on us, when all we see is misery
will you still believe in me?

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I’ll be lost and never found again. Kiss me once and I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I will never leave your side, until the sign of winter, always by your side....(Dreams Come True)
i wasn't ready for hammerfall. now i've got paper hearts all over my shield.
anyway, this one's from virgin steele's the marriage of heaven and cheese.

virgin steele said:
This is the land of my beginning,
these are the mountains of my birth
Dark with the blood of desecration,
oh where is she who is my pride

I hear the Weeping of the Spirits,
dark wings of hated fill the world
I know she's waiting out there somewhere,
beyond the shadows of my eyes

Is there a Life Among these Ruins,
the charred remains of all my kind
Stung by the Sword of Retribution,
I swear an oath where they have died
I will return to wreak my Vengeance,
let Heaven grant what love does seek
Alive without a breath, reach for the Thorns ofDeath,
a shadow falls
Before my eyes

EMALAITH dies alone in the night,
lost like a child she leaves me
Scars on the wind to hold me inside,
tomorrow belongs to never
I'll tear the walls of Erebus down.

Child of the Desolation, cry to me under stars that have died,
Under skies of Pain we are born.
Ooh yeah, we are one, forever we'll be
Oh my love, we'll defy Death and meet on Holy Ground.

After the darkest treason I, I will arise again !!!

EMALAITH dies alone in the night,
a kiss on the wind she leaves me
Out in the fields where everything dies,
will we be lost forever?
From death and darkness love was born, and love survived
and created Light.

Behold the Kingdom of the Fearless,
who holds the Seven Points ofNight?
Where is the hope of absolution,
beyond the shadow of my sight?
I hear the Weeping of the Spirits,
dark wings of hatred rule the world
But I will rise again, pierced by the Thorns of Death,
beyond the shadow of their eyes.

EMALAITH'S mine, asoul infinite,
the promise of peace is never
The Secret of Death if ours to possess, ours will endure forever
I see the answer burn in your eyes, across the wasteland,
Death into Life
The mighty Spirits crystalize, TheCrown of Glory,
onward we ride !!!

Beyond the shadows of the skies, waiting for the light, It's
over all is gone, Shadows of Mourning ...

rahvin. (will surely melt and die)
There There Nick ol' buddy! I graduate in about less than 2 months and i will return to Chicago, where you and i will have fun times! I promise! As for life kickin' ya in the face, i totally understand since i've been going through the same shit....
@Nick: The song was "The Power Of Love" by Huey Lewis & The News, included into the Back To The Future soundtrack. Yes, I am "Mr. Know-it-all", thank you. :) About your strength, and the bad spelling, don't worry. See my signature below. Everyone's fighting. And you've linked the White House, an italian, monuments and the crooked leaders aforementioned. That seems a funny mixture. ;)

|ng (Yes, a fool)
@nick: i'm braindead for too many hours of nonstop (and nonsequitur) work, but i appreciate your openness as always, and i really hope the couple of days we spend together are going to be lotsa fun and stress relief for both.

now, |ng, as for linking me with the white house... :p
NicktheClayman said:
This is basically spam, so I expect it to be deleted.
Why is it that these days everyone feels so guilty about starting new topics which aren't connected to Dark Tranquillity? I've lost count on how many threads start with a permission/demand to rahvin to delete them. Isn't this verging on a paranoia/obsession already? I mean, when has rahvin actually gone around deleting threads or bullying people over new topics?

Personally I wish more threads were started, as opposed to several gargantuan ones hovering around the top from month to month. If someone crawled from under a rock to see this forum after six months, I doubt they would notice the difference.
what ormir said. actually, i explicitly said a couple of times i'm all for new threads on specific off-topic subjects. threads that discuss the matter at hand and then sink when everyone's run out of ideas. and although i didn't say it out loud, i'm also bored by the very small amount of people posting these days. i even tried posting a lot less myself to see if it was a matter of "not wanting to have the sheriff around all the time".

in case someone really is worried about thread consolidation: it just means i'm merging threads with the same topic, no differences, on the first or - at the outmost, in case of very popular topics - second/third page.

in case someone really is worried about spam: it just means your new threads have to provide other users with an actually debatable subject, be it animal molesting or greek philosophy. so "what do you think of foster parents?" is a valid new thread, while "look, a penis-shaped vegetable is in my salad" is not. that doesn't mean i'm deleting the latter anyway, unless there are a dozen new everyday.
hope this helps.

Well yes you would have to excuse my bad spelling, give me a fecking brake (and yes I meant fecking), it was 4 in the morning when I wrote that.

@Claudia, yes I do hope the few days we spend together will be fun ones, and we can take our minds off of the usual crap.

@Steve, Yeah man when your back we will have many a drinks, and you can invite me over for Mexican BBQ :p :).

@|ng, I thought it was Huey :D. Yeah Italian women, The White House, and monuments should prove to be a wild and crazy time indeed.

*Sigh* I personally understand about life not being what is expected. It's also sometimes difficult to be strong, but we all have to keep holding on...

I've always known to avoid topics with the word "Love", but I couldn't resist this one.

Welcome back, Nick. :) I missed you. :)
RealHazard said:
@rahvin: Am I too gardener around here?

*pretending he knows what reel-us-hard meant with "gardener"*
uh, no. i think i know you're joking with me with your observations about the value of the threads and when you call for me to take action and all. that's why when you do i'm joking back with you and i try to be funny about it. but please if you have an actual problem with the activity around here feel free to tell me in a way that i can understand you're being serious. :)

@Rahvin: I could almost claim that you´re not a leftie because you didn´t understand the gardener thingie.. anyway..
If I ask you delete or at least to close thread, I mean it *trying to sound un-offensive*..
Because it think that thread about "Who is the read-head chick holding the microphone in the lines Of DT?" is very stupid and the thread should be closed at very moment when mister/miss ignorant gets an answer.
On the 17th hand, I don´t have anything against feelings-thread like this or if someone decides to make up just a funny thread, If the thread is really funny.

So did I clear myself up?
@realforreal: sure, thanks for explaining. the only thing i have to say in defense of threads about trivia is: that trivia is about dt. dt totally ownzszszs this forum. and they pay for it. so, well, i'm more tolerant because that's coming from the place with the sign: the buck starts here. ;)

it's pretty clear nobody but me and bigfakesmile has it in their hearts to ridicule stupid metal lyrics about surreal, sexist love. yet i'm not going to back out from my crusade (hah, more metal imagery!), so here come the dumb lyrics to rage's "end of all days".
the gist here seems to be he pathetically killed his gf in a car crash that had no effect on him except that he now writes idiotic lines.

rage said:
Thinking on my yesterdays,
I have failed in many ways,
but I won't complain, 'cause I
had my share when luck passed by.
Then you came into my life
and became my biggest pride.
I thought the cards had turned for me,
oh, if I knew.

And then, when this fatal moment came to be
I couldn't turn the steering wheel around...

Once I feel in love with you,
now I can't stop feeling blue.
Will I ever be the same?
Free me from this crying shame,
Hey, you won't find me.
I'll, I'll hide 'till the end of all days.

I still don't know what happened there,
my mind is blocked, I was too scared.
But they told me you had died,
now the future's out of sight.
If I could have seen it coming
I'd had turned the other way,
but then we were smashed,
our lifes were torn apart.

They can tell me a hundred times I'm not to blame.
I didn't turn the steering wheel around...

Once I feel in love with you,
now I can't stop feeling blue.
Will I ever be the same?
Free me from this crying shame,
Hey, you won't find me.
I'll, I'll hide 'till the end of all days

rahvin. (smashed like potato)