The Pronunciation Thread


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
Metal is a diverse subset of music, and under this vast umbrella of styles and interpretations lie the various languages spoken by metal connossieurs, fans, and the musicians spread across the world. Although it is a testament to metal's cross-pollination and diversity, the use of such a wide palette of languages, not to mention the various ethnicities and cultures of the players has left many of us on the other side of the world a little iffy as far as pronunciation or meaning.

Use this thread to clear up any misconceptions about pronouncing band names, member names, song titles, or deciphering any meanings behind any of them.

My first few are band names: Borknagar, Gorgoroth, Amon Amarth, Ensiferum, and Asmegin.
Very good idea for a thread. Here's mine:
Quo Vadis

Amon Amarth means Mount Doom in Elven (LotR), and I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "Uh-mon Uh-Marth." Gorgoroth is also from LotR. It is a wasted plateau in Mordor and means "place of very great dread." I think it's pronounced just how it looks. Borknagar is "Ragnarok" rearranged, with a "B" thrown in there.
naglfar is pronounced how its spelled. think nag- l -far

for me: nephasth, tsjunder (im guessing the j is soft)
I got these, though most of em are obvious...

Borknagar= BORK-na-GAR

Gorgoroth= GOR-GOR-awth

Ensiferum & Asmegin are like they sound, with the accents on 'me' and 'fer'.

Suidakra = The beginning of the world is that word farmers call pigs with, but faster.

Quo Vadis = KWO-VAHD-IS

Nagelfar = Naag-UHL-far

Myrkskog = MEERK-skog (long 'O' sound, not short 'A'.)
is Wyrd just "Wierd"?
Astriaal. Drudkh. Hrossharsgrani.
Myrddraal. Mytile Vey Lorth. Taake. Woods of Ypres (i know how to say Woods of:D clever me)
MasterOLightning said:
Akercocke is a tough one. I think it just is a German pronunciation with the "e" as a soft "a". Anybody know the meaning of this one?

Akercocke is a more Germanic-sounding alias of Mephistopheles, one of the aristocracy of Hell. Simon Magus got it from something in which Akercocke appears to someone, says words, and does things.
.Scissors. said:
Quo Vadis

If you want to use actual latin, 'v's are actually pronounced like the present-day 'w' (in America at least, I know in Finland they do it, too). So it would be Kwoh Wa-Diss.

MasterOLightning said:
Akercocke is a tough one. I think it just is a German pronunciation with the "e" as a soft "a". Anybody know the meaning of this one?

It's the name of the capuchin monkey in Faust.

Melodeath said:
For now: How do you pronounce Drudkh?

If I ever had to say it, I would say "DROOD-k" with the 'k' being just the sound a 'k' would make.
Erik said:
Yeah, especially Gorgoroth and Amon Amarth, anyone got Sauron's phone number?
If you were cool like me you would have books on how the languages of Middle-earth are pronounced. :Spin: