Papasmurf89 said:Deicide
I think it's just like it sounds: D-I-SIDE
That's just my guess though...
Melodeath said:Deity can be pronounced day-ih--tee or dee-ih--tee
Deicide can be pronounced day-ih-side or dee-ih-side
andrew_plamondon said:What about "Pod Vládou Biče" ?
lord667 said:Maybe in Massachusetts.
V.V.V.V.V. said:lol my favourite colour is green
this odour is foul
lord667 said:lol tonite at the theater, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves omg lol
Generally they're not supposed to be audible, but coming from Sweden where we actually use some of them, I say Deströyer 666, Motörhead, Tröjan and so on because it rules (and tröjan=the sweater in swedish).anonymousnick2001 said:
Actually, fotmbm brought up a point:
How should umlauts be handled? A majority of the time they're put in to be \m/ and only serve to befuddle fans who speak languages who use umlauts. I mean, How do you pronounce Mötorhead or Mütilation or Queensrÿche?
Word.fotmbm said:Note to self: Always be more or less sober when deciding what your band will be called.
Seeing as Wyrd come from Finland, I would think either "vee-rd" or "wee-rd". I could be wrong though.Jaar-Gilon said:is Wyrd just "Wierd"?
Astriaal. Drudkh. Hrossharsgrani.
Myrddraal. Mytile Vey Lorth. Taake. Woods of Ypres (i know how to say Woods ofclever me)
I think either "As-trie-al" or "As-tree-awl".anonymousnick2001 said:Is Astriaal pronounced as it looks?