The Pronunciation Thread

Melodeath said:
Deity can be pronounced day-ih--tee or dee-ih--tee

Deicide can be pronounced day-ih-side or dee-ih-side

I prefer day-uh-side but I'm almost 100% certain your right.

What about Dimmu Borgir.

I pronounce it DIM-oo BORG-ear but i have no idea how its sounded in Icelandic (it does mean dark castle in Icelandic right?)

And Satyricon

I think its just a butchering of Satyr's name but how do you say it? I pronounce it sa-TEAR-i-con but Satyr is pronounced SAY-ter so thays probably not right.
I don't know about "dimmu" but "borgir" sounds like boar-jeer with trilled R's, according to an Icelandic song I've heard. Unless The Grimace is going to tell me that Icelandic singers can't pronounce their own language :grin:

Actually, fotmbm brought up a point:

How should umlauts be handled? A majority of the time they're put in to be \m/ and only serve to befuddle fans who speak languages who use umlauts. I mean, How do you pronounce Mötorhead or Mütilation or Queensrÿche?
anonymousnick2001 said:

Actually, fotmbm brought up a point:

How should umlauts be handled? A majority of the time they're put in to be \m/ and only serve to befuddle fans who speak languages who use umlauts. I mean, How do you pronounce Mötorhead or Mütilation or Queensrÿche?
Generally they're not supposed to be audible, but coming from Sweden where we actually use some of them, I say Deströyer 666, Motörhead, Tröjan and so on because it rules (and tröjan=the sweater in swedish).
Mütiilation is a trickier one than most though. Note to self: Always be more or less sober when deciding what your band will be called.
Jaar-Gilon said:
is Wyrd just "Wierd"?
Astriaal. Drudkh. Hrossharsgrani.
Myrddraal. Mytile Vey Lorth. Taake. Woods of Ypres (i know how to say Woods of:D clever me)
Seeing as Wyrd come from Finland, I would think either "vee-rd" or "wee-rd". I could be wrong though.
I always say Drudkh in my head as "Drood-k" with a sorta "uh" sound at the end, but not really audible.
Hrossharsgrani probably sounds just as its spelled- "Hross-hars-grunny".
Myrddraal come from the Wheel of Time series, and I always though of it as "Murd-rawl", or "Meer-drawl".
Mytile Vey Lorth can sound different based on where its from, and the accents, but I would say "Mi-till vay lorth".
Taake sounds almost Japanese to me, so "Taw-kay".
Ypres has already been said; Ee-prey.
well the guys from alchemist came into my music class. and i asked if "Astri-aal" were coming to MFTB they replied yeah "Astr-ii-al" should be there, along with all the mainstays. so that is probably right, i was just checking