the Pronunciation thread

immo said:
Man you are from Greece and therion is a greek word...
Therion in the name of a star constellation as far as I know but I have only read that,I never did have the chance the hear someone pronouncing it and I have also never seen it spelled in Greek,so I really cant tell for sure.

After all some Greek words are pronounced differently in English.
For instance Ichor.How is that pronounced in English ?
It's eye-kr

My noise project's name is Ichorous, I should know. I get a million people asking em all the time (and if not, spelling it wrong or whatever).
from earlier posts:

Mike Åkerfeldt =somewhere between Mike Oh-ker-felt and Mike Aw-ker-felt
Ihsahn = Ee-zhawn. emphasis on EE
Dimmu Borgir = Dee-moo bore-zheer
Dan Swäno = Dan Shvawh-nuh
Sepultura = TRIIIIIIIIBE! ( try See-pool-too-rah)
Anaal Nathrakh - Ah-nawhl Nah-thrak
V.V.V.V.V. said:
It's eye-kr

My noise project's name is Ichorous, I should know. I get a million people asking em all the time (and if not, spelling it wrong or whatever).

Kill yourself.
It would be useful if anyone in here actually knew what the fuck they were talking about. Frankly, the ramblings of Frank from Chicago talking about his in depth knowledge of the more arcane pronunciation from archaic Norwegian is making my eyes bleed.
How do you correctly pronounce Ved Buens Ende(it's supposed to be Norwegian for "over the rainbow" or smth). Do you pronounce the word final e in Ende?
E6V6I6L said:

is it kuh-vik-sole-goo-ten?

me and some friends have been wondering for awhile.


long i like in ee. you pronounce the e's and there's no vowel between the k and v. the u in guttene is almost like an oo but shorter, and the tt is short like in globetrotter.