the Pronunciation thread

nekro fay jist (soft j like in french j'aime)

It's the same as the bacteriophage pronunciation from high school biology.
haha no they love Necrophagist, just the manner they pronounce it, i didn't mean they intentionally said FAG in the middle.

People seem to have different pronunciations of Akercocke too. the same friends say it Acker-cock. hmm i see atrend emerging. don't think i'll be associatiing with those people anymore.

I say acker-cockuh

I've heard that the band pronounce it acker-cock-ay

Fallen Yggdrasil?

one friend says Mar-dook, i say mar-duck.

this thread rules.
I've always said acre-koch. It's probably acre-koch-ay or "*-ay."

EEg-drasil is what I say. I just pulled that from the Woods of EE-pray.

I say Mar-duck as well. I'm most likely wrong.

EDIT: How about SuidAkra? i say Sui-dack-ruh (like SUIcide, tACK)
at or ot? ie/ twat or twot
seems to change from country to country

I think i'm pronouncing them right, but at the sametime puzzled because the words do not register in my mind as anything. I do not know what to think.


God 'Macabre'