the Pronunciation thread

Seraphim Belial said:
incorrect, in the old thread someone posted a wav (?) saying
toe-ke ah/eh not good at writing this crap for other people but its along those lines somewhere, although there is still the possibiliy this may be wrong because i havent heard it out of hoests mouth himself : /

"Tåke". Å sounds like the pronounced O in "boring". Kinda like "aw", but not.
isn't it sort an "uh" sound? i'm getting so confused with some of the words being used, being australian the american pronunciations don't click with me.
MasterOLightning said:
What about Wyrd?

I think it's "Wired". Just spelled differently.

And What about Thyrfing? Looks like someone saying the word "Surfing" ... Just with a real mean lisp. Thur-fing?

More I don't know how to pronounce:
-Myrkskog - Murk-Skog?, Meerk-Skog?
-Neaera - Knee-Era?
-Sigtyr - Sig-Tur?, Sig-Tire?
-Minjar - Mine-Jar?, Minn-Jar?
Stormwatch said:
Not a band, but


Personally I say K-too-loo but some say k-thoo-loo. Idiots.

well, if we're going by Lovecraft's standards, the human tongue cannot pronounce it properly :p

(but I say it K-too-loo also)
(M)aggoT said:
Is there any diference between "the" or "thy"?

I think "thy" is just the possessive form of "thou" (you). "Thy book" and such and such... whereas "the" is just an article...THE Grimarse...THE cakebaker...

I'm not really in a grammar mood today