^Belive me, I wouldn't mind that. Here we don't get rain soon, but when we get rain is like so fucking much, :lol: And as the weather forecasts are the most lulzy thing in this world the only way to know if one day is going to rain is waking up and looking outside the window. If it's raining, you're fucked, if not, go ahead with your plans, :lol: And also if it rains constantly then you won't have <30 degrees June to September which is way too fucking hot for me.
It's fucking hot here. Upper 90's (Fahrenheit). I'd kill for some rain, and we need it after all the wildfires and many months without rain. The lake where the water is irrigated from is VERY low.
So it's not only me??? Uff! Really, I was getting so fucking mad at it man, I had everything else working but fucking msn wouldn't work, I was about to kick the fucking computer, :lol:

I hope Google's next stage is an instant messenger system to totally PWN msn and blow them to fucking hell, I'm so sick of goddam msn, really.
GRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: My msn doesn't work and that suuuucks because I was talking to two people who now probably think that I hate them or that I ignore them and Ahhhh! :mad::mad:

I can't log in either :mad:

Also my grandmother is telling me the same stories she tell me every week and she pokes me when I look somewhere else :mad: :mad:
She can't hear very well, we have to yell to comunicate with her, so when I get reeeeeeaaaally stressed I just look back and go "Shut the fuck up already :mad: " But sometimes I forget there's someone else in the room and I have to apologize :lol:

Now that I think about it, that's not a very good thing to do to your grandmother :lol: But when I do that I'm completely out of my mind :lol:
^What the hell did you do? Did you hit an old lady or something? :lol: Now seriously, I'm sorry for you dude, it sucks.


The parking didn't go so well, I practised a lot on that this morning. I got it parked after 3 times ffs, and each time I got more nervous, and after each time I started forgetting things and then I knew I was fucked and I still hoped but the woman who took my exam was a cunt.
No seriously, she WAS a cunt.:D

Better luck next time I guess.:)