The REAPER appreciation thread!

What do you mean with "possible with any parameter of any plugin" ? Are you implying there is a built in pregain parameter before any plugin hidden somewhere ?

And about reaper's stability, I have had some crashes in the past, but I always found the plugin causing the problem. Or when running 3 or 4 very CPU hungry software while copying a hard drive to another but that is expectable. Normally, once the faulty plugin is deleted or fixed, it's rock-solid and loads in a few seconds. Since I purged my plugin list, I haven't had a single crash, and I run it on mac which is supposed to be less stable since its ported from from windows.
What do you mean with "possible with any parameter of any plugin" ? Are you implying there is a built in pregain parameter before any plugin hidden somewhere ?

And about reaper's stability, I have had some crashes in the past, but I always found the plugin causing the problem. Or when running 3 or 4 very CPU hungry software while copying a hard drive to another but that is expectable. Normally, once the faulty plugin is deleted or fixed, it's rock-solid and loads in a few seconds. Since I purged my plugin list, I haven't had a single crash, and I run it on mac which is supposed to be less stable since its ported from from windows.

On the first part, I meant to ask if there is any plugin used to adjust pre-fader gain. I found it though, it's built in to Reaper. There's a horizontal line at the top of each track item you can use. It can be adjusted in preferences to show in the very middle of the waveform so it's easier to see.

On the second part, I was trying to load a preset FX Chain that I had and it was causing my 32bit reaper run from a flash drive to crash in a 64 bit setting. Just loaded up all the effects singularly and no worries. But I haven't been back over to try anything different in getting my instrument to record onto the track or even play through Reaper.
LeSedna said:
What do you mean with "possible with any parameter of any plugin" ? Are you implying there is a built in pregain parameter before any plugin hidden somewhere ?

And about reaper's stability, I have had some crashes in the past, but I always found the plugin causing the problem. Or when running 3 or 4 very CPU hungry software while copying a hard drive to another but that is expectable. Normally, once the faulty plugin is deleted or fixed, it's rock-solid and loads in a few seconds. Since I purged my plugin list, I haven't had a single crash, and I run it on mac which is supposed to be less stable since its ported from from windows.

No, I meant that any parameter of any plugin (wet, threshold, ratio, etc etc etc) can be set as a knob thingy in the main tracks view. I use ggain, but there is a built in in gain plugin in reaper, just put it before everything else in the fx chain. Again, I don't remember how to do it (show it as a knob) cause I never do it, but someone posted it some time ago.

Shinozoku said:
On the first part, I meant to ask if there is any plugin used to adjust pre-fader gain. I found it though, it's built in to Reaper. There's a horizontal line at the top of each track item you can use. It can be adjusted in preferences to show in the very middle of the waveform so it's easier to see.

On the second part, I was trying to load a preset FX Chain that I had and it was causing my 32bit reaper run from a flash drive to crash in a 64 bit setting. Just loaded up all the effects singularly and no worries. But I haven't been back over to try anything different in getting my instrument to record onto the track or even play through Reaper.

What you're doing works fine and is cool cause you see the waveform change, but it's per item, not per track, which can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on what you want to do. If it's on the top (the line), I just hold shift and drag it higher to raise the volume of the item.
Oh yeah the knob thingy is awesome BUT it won't display the actual value for 3rd party plugins, it would only display 0 to 1, which is too bad. I would love to make my mixer look like an analogue mixer by loading a channels trip on all tracks, but since it doesn't display the value... Even if it's all about the ears, i'd love it to display the actual threshold or boost value.

They should give us the ability to determine the min/max of the displayed values ourselves, so that even with the Vst protocol limitations we could sort something out manually and save it in the FX chain. Being able to customize their behaviour would be nice, we could finally have a full virtual mixer, avoiding the need to open the plug to Eq for most tracks.

What is the reaper gain plugin ? I feel stupid for using reacomp and use its gain slider for that purpose :lol: I'll check that when I'm home.
Between an item and the mixer theres several ways to change volume/gain:

item gain (depending on your settings this is a knob or you pull the top edge of items)
volume fader in the item properties
take volume envelope
pre-FX volume envelope.

I'm not sure if there is a simple 'gain' adjust plugin.
Between an item and the mixer theres several ways to change volume/gain:

item gain (depending on your settings this is a knob or you pull the top edge of items)
volume fader in the item properties
take volume envelope
pre-FX volume envelope.

I'm not sure if there is a simple 'gain' adjust plugin.

How about that last one? Is that in Item Properties as well?
What i still hate in reaper is that in the mixer i get 2 rows of faders and tracks. when right clicking on the mixer i can uncheck this option. but i cant find any way to save it as default preset. also i am trying to find a way to set therecording mode as tape by default. and not the annoying takes thing
What i still hate in reaper is that in the mixer i get 2 rows of faders and tracks. when right clicking on the mixer i can uncheck this option. but i cant find any way to save it as default preset. also i am trying to find a way to set therecording mode as tape by default. and not the annoying takes thing

SHIFT+F7 will make your customized mixer window a screen set. F7 will call up that screen set.

CTRL-E gets you into the screen set menu
Does anyone know if there is a way to set an endpoint for recording so that it will automatically stop recording when it gets to a certain point? I don't know if it is possible and I did not turn up anything that worked in a google search but I feel like it might mike reamping less tedious.
Does anyone know if there is a way to set an endpoint for recording so that it will automatically stop recording when it gets to a certain point? I don't know if it is possible and I did not turn up anything that worked in a google search but I feel like it might mike reamping less tedious.

Project Settings > Advanced
- Limit project length, stop recording at [time]

You can change the record mode to either record only within the time selection or only the length of the selected media item. Right click on the Record button.
What i still hate in reaper is that in the mixer i get 2 rows of faders and tracks. when right clicking on the mixer i can uncheck this option. but i cant find any way to save it as default preset. also i am trying to find a way to set therecording mode as tape by default. and not the annoying takes thing

after making your changes, try Project Settings > Save as default project settings

I haven't had a problem with the mixer showing in rows after disabling them.'

not sure about tape mode issue.
Does anyone know if there is a way to set an endpoint for recording so that it will automatically stop recording when it gets to a certain point? I don't know if it is possible and I did not turn up anything that worked in a google search but I feel like it might mike reamping less tedious.

Project Settings > Advanced
- Limit project length, stop recording at [time]

You can change the record mode to either record only within the time selection or only the length of the selected media item. Right click on the Record button.

you could probably make a custom action to record selection and stop.
I saw actions for stop after 2 bars, at next measure but not at end of time selection.
Now that we´re at it, is there any way to set recording after a certain point until the end of the song? I know it can easily be done by doing punch in time selection and extending the time selection to the end, but I was wondering if there was another way to just set a starting point and go on from there? I´m pretty sure there isn´t, at least not until the recent versions cause I haven´t re-read the manual in a while
Now that we´re at it, is there any way to set recording after a certain point until the end of the song? I know it can easily be done by doing punch in time selection and extending the time selection to the end, but I was wondering if there was another way to just set a starting point and go on from there? I´m pretty sure there isn´t, at least not until the recent versions cause I haven´t re-read the manual in a while

You could manually start at the point, then use the project settings to have it stop automatically at the end. as far as having it auto-punch, i think it would be easiest to use time selection or media item.
Is there anyway to have it actually record a little bit of pre and post roll outside of the selected punch in?
It would be great to have just a second extra for shifting parts around when punching in rather than have it start and end exactly on the in/out points.
another function that as far as i know is custom pre-roll length. Ex-pro tools user may know it, you just click where you want to start recording, then Alt+click when you want to start playing from, it will start playing from this point, and when reaching the punch in point it will start recording.
i know that reaper can do a 1/2 bar pre-roll, but no other options, and you cant set it easilly with clicks like in pro tools.

anyone know how to do it?