The return of the "How are you today?" thread

And I've just noticed Joe and Vikk have the same Christmas hat in their avatars. D: Mine is different. :( I should change it to fit the scenery, but

Lazyness ftw.

this. :cool:

Now I'll go to bed in peace, cause I've finally discovered the CENTRIFUGAL OPTION on the washing machine, after having run around through the house for 10 minutes with a bunch of wet clothes in my arms, water dripping on the floors and an :erk: expression on my face, not knowing what to do. :lol: Dat technology. :kickass:
got mugged, another cellphone gone.... thank you Mr. African American

Do you have the IMEI number?

We had that problem and got so pissed off that thieves could rack up big $$ on international calls - a great moneyspinner for the telco's but after a lot of media pressure they crumbled and can now block the phone from usage if you give them the IMEI no.

Did he show any weapons to mug you?

Your IMEI is associated with your account so you just need to call in, unless you changed devices and didn't tell them then it won't be there... but it doesn't matter because that's not even how service is blocked... knocking an IMEI off the network will just make sure the phone can't be used at all on any provider (Blackberries can have this done) but service can be stopped from the tower with features they put on your account.
knocking an IMEI off the network will just make sure the phone can't be used at all on any provider

That's exactly what you want, it makes the scumbag find out all his effort was for a paperweight that looks like a mobile, all the better if you gave him something to think about in the process.

I imagine at the same time they will also stop your number from clocking up all your credit.

Well for Blackberry you have to pay extra for that, and for regular phone comapnies the reps don't have the power to do that. Only time IMEIs are flagged as stolen/fraudulent is if they're stolen from a store/off of a truck. The cell phone company doesn't give a shit if you or some jigaboo is using your phone, as long as they're paying. Most phones are locked to a network and it's hard to get the unlock code if there's a lost/stolen feature on the phone's account so unless you're a good social engineer you're best just activating it with pay as you go or a new plan.
Only time IMEIs are flagged as stolen/fraudulent is if they're stolen from a store/off of a truck.

It's different here in Aus. from what I recall reading and am led to believe anyone can report their phone stolen and put a bar on the IMEI no. This does go back a few years and you may have to show evidence of ownership, possibly even a police report to stop people from fart-arsing around barring their friends, etc.

Just finished all my intense studying for my last exam this semester, wake up tomorrow, put in a final review and then it's off to the races as it were.
I am now done my first semester! Fucking slayed it. My last exam was a joke. It was scheduled for 11:45, we didn't get to start writing it until 11:52 and I was home by 12:07.

I am FUCKING JAZZED about how you are doing in school Heartless... JUST THINK!! one day you will have a job and a family and a bunch of a lil assholes running around with your DNA flowing through their innocent little bodies... What you are doing now is setting the ground... the footholes no the supports for your future life and it's going to be fucking AWESOME!!...........
for a couple years then you are going to die........