The return of the "How are you today?" thread

That Scottish dude that used to post here, forgot his name... I can't remember if he was from Edinburgh, though, but he'd probably be more than happy to oblige :p
I feel so good today, since soon it's my brother's and my sister's birthday, I was a bit stressed because I couldn't find the gifts I wanted to give them, but I finally managed to find a decent beginner recording interface (Presonus Audiobox) for my brother, at a tiny price, and I got a gift certificate from my local music store to give my sister.. so I can finally stop worrying about that and start planning their birthday parties, I need to do something special for my sister because this year she turns 18... any ideas ? she hates alcohol so getting her drunk or going to a bar isn't an option.
Blah... can't someone just go to Edinburgh for 3 weeks? Then I could stop by the last week to be told all about the city :)

Right... so we draw straws or something? >_>

Tricky question, were it not that I simply have to...
I'm there for 7 days, 4 of which for school work, I have to do interviews with semi-interesting people I have yet to find.