The return of the "How are you today?" thread

That's nothing we can't fix, I think >_>

Tomorrow night my country reaches the world record in government formation. We're all going to celebrate, 'cause there's not much left to do but laugh about all of this: HAHA
Blah... can't someone just go to Edinburgh for 3 weeks? Then I could stop by the last week to be told all about the city :)

Right... so we draw straws or something? >_>


I was there 1,5 years ago or summat. Nice city, but I saw just the tourist stuff (including Loch Ness) and cant tell you anything interesting aboot it besides that the people really make money out of the kilt and bag pipe clichee :D
Seriously, give Derek a holler. He's from either Edinburgh or Glasgow.

I remember that guy from the Neverboards... I'm pretty sure he got a job in Prague as a librarian and he moved there to make mad cash/fuck all the prostitutes.

At least that is what he bragged about doing.

inb4 he never left his mother's basement.
Had myself a fun weekend. Flew out to Winnipeg to see family...but there was a huge snowstorm there so we couldn't land, and the plane had to continue to Regina.

It was all white, as far as your eyes could see, and it was cold. I was stuck in Limbo for 12 hours. The airline gave us a hotel room (after a 4 hour wait) and 7$ towards breakfast (which all cost $15ish) weeee.
Next morning met with the family, did all that, got way too drunk at the wedding, I'm told there are many good pics.
Finally home, and the same snow storm has made its way here...and almost made us unable to fucking land today, and cause made driving home complete ass.

I get to shovel tmrw!! :D
Same as here. It starts snowing sunday night and it hasn't ended till now. :-(
It's all white outside and I need spring, sun, flowers and heat!!!
oh oh seems like getting a winterdepression *lookingforhappypills*
Oh, these European peepz flinging themselves all over their continent.
Hey, we can't all be hobos :Smokedev:
He's getting married.
To me? 'cause I have the feeling I'm forgetting something, that might be it :/
Next morning met with the family, did all that, got way too drunk at the wedding,...
I've never gone to a wedding :mad:
Only funerals, 2 this year already, and I cry like a baby because I'm oversensitive that way :cool: