The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Cliff dude, send some mac and cheese this way. The grocery store around here has an American section and they want 4,99e for a box of it.
:lol:! My roommate buys Kraft Dinner by the spit at Costco, weeee.
I do homemade though, its grainy and shit.

I'm good, but I have once and for all established that Tequila is indeed the devils water.

Tequila Guac!? Tequila what?
Me too^

Which is making this difficult. I've been resorted to looking for a roommate on Kajiji.
If it werent for the fact I smoke, I'd basically be the PERFECT roommate.

I clean up aftermself, I keep to my room all the time, and cook the best smelling food, that I often share...

"If I didn't smell so good you wouldn't know I was here."
We should get high and make epic meal time look like not epic. i can't think today
I'm down, if I dont have to go anywhere or spend any money.

Do you smoke tobacco as well?


rarely, but many people don't see the differnce. I can smoke pot in a room and no one would know 30 minutes later...beeing a teenager will do that to you.

Cigarette, that's a different story. Febreeze only seems to anger it.
rarely, but many people don't see the difference.

A friend of mine has this little doorway that leads to some sort of wallspace/attic and he smokes pot in there high above his flatmates, hilarious.

He isn't constantly stoned, it's not affecting his work so he's never had an issue with it but he goes all cloak and dagger when he smokes.

rarely, but many people don't see the differnce. I can smoke pot in a room and no one would know 30 minutes later...beeing a teenager will do that to you.

Cigarette, that's a different story. Febreeze only seems to anger it.

Also noticed this. Weird how it works but yeah....
OMG I'm so fucking excited and nervous, I'm playing with Kalmah tonight !!!!!!!! I feel like it's my big day or something, I just dyed my hair purple, and when it's dry I will head over to my drummer's place so our hairdresser will style my hair and do my makeup... after that I have to drop off all my gear at the venue, and then it's soundcheck time... There will be little time for dinner, which I'm not even sure I can eat since my stomach is kinda upset from all that nervousness... and after that, pretty much against my own will today but for some reason I've been wanting to do it for months, I will play guitar, in my band, and the guys from Kalmah are gonna hear us... That sounds frightening !!!!!!!!!

Oh well, the guys from Cradle of Filth have our album now, so I guess I shouldnt be so frightened... but still !!!!!!!

But, I'll put on my best poker face today and I'm gonna act like a rockstar tonight.... I am a rockstar tonight lollll
OMG I'm so fucking excited and nervous, I'm playing with Kalmah tonight !!!!!!!!

I just dyed my hair purple, and when it's dry I will head over to my drummer's place so our hairdresser will style my hair and do my makeup...

But, I'll put on my best poker face today and I'm gonna act like a rockstar tonight.... I am a rockstar tonight lollll

This is what I call true musicianship. :)
OMG I'm so fucking excited and nervous, I'm playing with Kalmah tonight !!!!!!!!

It's been a long time since I felt that way over a gig but I started very young.

I've known a few people who never gigged because of stagefright, just treat going on stage like a job, a job you love and do well is the mindset.

^Yeah well I do not have stagefright, in fact, I am only nervous during the day before the big shows but once I get to the venue and get my stuff ready, soundcheck and finally get on stage to play, I feel fantastic. I had so much fun tonight, I played like never before, because I was so excited and happy that all I could do was to rock !!!! It's funny, I think I gave a wayy better show than when we headline because I really wanted to impress the people who were there. My mom came to see us and before she left, she told me it was the first time that she saw me move around that much on the stage and really do stuff I never dared to do before. I guess the new guitar added to it, because I can really adopt more rockstar-like positions when I play it, I can kinda lean on it and headbang like crazy, while with my f-250, I'm the little girl standing up with that wierd instrument in her hands.

and we had a lot of fun as the night progressed, my bass player and I held a competition of who could sign the most autographs on boobs. Then as we were signing each others boobs for luck, Pekka Kokko walked right by me so without thinking, I handed him the pen, and he signed my boob too... haha funny night. I ended up losing the boob signing contest anyway, because my bass player included guys and I thought we could only sign on girls.