Well i'm kind of shit and OK at the same time. Feels weird man.
Amazing day!!!!
senior awards this morning, the advanced choir i'm in sang the national anthem and I had the big solo, the whole school was there + parents etc. and it was awesome
also won 3 three awards, one for my music, one for being the most help in the library, and one for my grades. after that was a BBQ and then I got my license!!! fuck yeah
When it all dries up it'll probably work as good as ever, may take a while though.then had to turn itself off just out of the excitement!
When it all dries up it'll probably work as good as ever, may take a while though.
I have a laptop riser and external keyboard, something like this:
Can't see it happening to me, unless I spray out a mouthful from laughter.
When it all dries up it'll probably work as good as ever, may take a while though.
I have a laptop riser and external keyboard, something like this:
Can't see it happening to me, unless I spray out a mouthful from laughter.
A friend did the same to his lappy and it took a few days but eventually came back to life.I've had modern cell phones take dives into the lake and come out just fine after some drying and patience.