The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Thank you :)

I just have to say this! Maybe doesn't sound cool but it was, trust me.
Today at school we had bunch of "reapers" but without scythes. Actually, whole class. They looked so fuckin cool. :headbang: Their entering was kind of dramatical ( I don't know why). First who came in was some very tall and skinny guy and they were entering in a long row. I mean, they looked really cool in those long black dresses and outside was 30°. Some of the students were saying that they are crazy. Yep, looked cool.

wait what??
My brother called me toady from Venezuala. He dont me its borth the hardest time hes ever had in his like, but also the most rewarding.

And I assure all of you, my brother is nothign like me, and unlike me he actually isnt a loser and contributes to society.
boy i feel like an idiot;
i just discovered the SRS settings on my surround sound
I orgasmed over finding out that Into Eternity is playing my hometown of Upper Darby.

Oh and it was during the Phillies game where Chase Utley was up to bat.

Double that :)

Phillies won on a walk-off homerun by Carlos Ruiz. Pretty cool, I'm going to the game again tommorow