The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm fucking pissed, sad, and fucking ANNOYED! My plans were completely crushed.


holy fuck!
I got myself a job standing outside and watching a kids Bouncey Castle :cool:
My first job, the Bulrington Ribfest! If I see another rack of ribs, or deal with another bratty kid I might just kill myself, taking down anyone I can with me :).

12 hours Friday, 14 hours Saturday and Today, then I got about 10 more Tomorrow. Working Labourday - time and a half, working over 45 horus in the week = another time and a half :cool:

And on a lighter note.
My older brother got mugged hardcore. He was drunk, stumbling around, some guys came up and kicked him in the back, took his wallet keys shirt and shoes. The guy had to walk an hour with no shoes and has huge blisters, and his back is in a ton of pain right now. Better yet, his wallet has this address on it, and the guys took his keys.

Weeeee, its been an awesome weekend.

P.S. And I feel my wisdom teeth now coming in :p.
School :erk:

Anyway, one girl I know got little bunny today and everyone were like "It's so cute, can I hold it". :lol: So the bunny went around a bit and this guy put him in his hood and then on his head. It was kinda funny. That bunny really is adorable and soft and now I want one :)
someone walking around the park where I'm currently working had a bunny on a leash a few days ago, but there is so much loose dirt there it was all dirty :p
I'm feelin good so far, and i decided that i'm gonna straighten my hair tomorrow :D