The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Good luck, Vikk! And hilarious quote in your signature. That made me piss myself silly. :D

Anyway, my legs hurt like Hell. Can't feel 'em anymore, bro. :(
thank you Flora ;D who art thou btw?

well from 15 questions, i`m sure i fucked up 2
won't be here tomorrow night (which is actually today since it's past midnight), will be on an introduction 2 days (actually just one day and a couple of hours cuz I'll be back at 10 am already.
Had my first night school Theory class, I think I took a course way too easy for me...

"This is the Bass cleff...alright break time" :S
Doing Awesome! Vistited the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center (The best shock trauma center in the world.) in Maryland with my EMS class and it was the craziest hospital ever. The equipment and tools where something out of fucken star trek, that's the only way to describe it. If you're into medicine science or technology this place will spark your interest. I go to see so much and learned a ton about sever trauma to vital areas like the brain and heart.
Today was some fucked up day and parts of this place where I live were under water because rain was pouring all night. :erk: It was on the news. Now I'm tired a bit
ughhhh....class was really long today and this bitch beside me kept coughing and sneezing....i could just imagine her germs flying through the air at me :puke: WHORE< GO HOME