The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Today in school this classmate of mine almost cried because I got better grade. :erk: It's like second time in two weeks. Not even a 10 year old kid would do that. And she doesn't feel even slightly embaressed. Ah, I really hate when that happens. :erk: It's not funny anymore. That's so stupid and childish. :erk:
So I'm kinda in a strange situation. I met a nice guy recently. We exchanged numbers and all, and I called him, but I didn't get a callback..

should I call again or wait for him to call me?:mad:
Follow the 3-day rule. If you called less than 3 days after exchanging numbers, it was too early. Men are dumb, they need time to process the very fact that they now have a number and should contemplate calling it. If 3 days pass and you don't hear back then consider it his loss.

This is a different scenario than what we've had in the recent past. This, I assume, doesn't include the "I promise" factor which calls for angry messages and such after some time.
Follow the 3-day rule. If you called less than 3 days after exchanging numbers, it was too early. Men are dumb, they need time to process the very fact that they now have a number and should contemplate calling it.

What kind of bullshit is that?? Maybe the guys YOU associate with are like that, but hm, that is really only something that might apply to a douchebag. If a guy cares about you, he'll be excited as fuck that he got your number, he'll think about it all night and can't wait to call, but he won't as not to make an ass of himself. If a guy gets your number and he needs three days, then he has too much going on his life, women-wise, and you're not on the top of his list, he's saving you as some kind of last resort/booty call at best.
What kind of bullshit is that?? Maybe the guys YOU associate with are like that, but hm, that is really only something that might apply to a douchebag. If a guy cares about you, he'll be excited as fuck that he got your number, he'll think about it all night and can't wait to call, but he won't as not to make an ass of himself. If a guy gets your number and he needs three days, then he has too much going on his life, women-wise, and you're not on the top of his list, he's saving you as some kind of last resort/booty call at best.

Thank you Joe for sticking up for the male gender! I know we have our... *ahem* HUGE shortcomings, but we are still good people!

All guys are crap at girls. It's just some are less crap than others.
Follow the 3-day rule. If you called less than 3 days after exchanging numbers, it was too early. Men are dumb, they need time to process the very fact that they now have a number and should contemplate calling it. If 3 days pass and you don't hear back then consider it his loss.

This is a different scenario than what we've had in the recent past. This, I assume, doesn't include the "I promise" factor which calls for angry messages and such after some time.

I refuse to call a chick. Fuck that. Your kind plays too many games. I leave it up to them, if you want to talk to me. If not, fuck're not worth my time.

Today sucks....its fucking snowing. Fuck snow.
I am really pissed car is broken, I lost my keys and my father slaped me because I listen to the music too loud....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-[chop]-;6716773 said:
Slaped you cuz you listen to music loud :s man that was harsh....

Well, my father doesn´t like when somebody disturbs him....and it wasn´t that bad, if he was sober it would had been worse...