The return of the "How are you today?" thread

just put too much stuff in autostart will fail due to lack of ram prolly


"Format C:"


And that wouldn't work either if you're inside Windows. Best way is to go to the registry (Start > Run > Regedit) and start deleting entries and stuff. Everything you can.

That will surely fuck up the computer.

I'm in a total crap mood :cry:

I want a hug.

*hugs and grabs ass while doing it*
I don't want to see another dog until Saturday.

Seriously, we had this one dog, 100+ pounds, took all of us to carry the damn thing.
I'm okay I guess. I'm kind of frustrated at being without work. I have to go get Unemployment tomorrow. =-*( I get to be a bum. Gheyzorz. Jobs suck around here big time right now. Everyone is being laid off everywhere.
I'm tired....but I'm totally stoked for this party tonight. It's about 2 hours away, and I'm driving there and back tonight. Best part is, I'll be driving on the Pike through toll booths with makeup on.