Chairman Kaga Member Jan 23, 2007 5,920 7 38 Los Angeles May 3, 2008 #14,721 ^I didn't say you were always tired, I was just asking when you're not tired.
V +VictimOfTheNight+ Active Member Aug 9, 2006 8,620 113 63 May 3, 2008 #14,722 ^Ahh, sorry then, I misunderstood... that must be cuz I am tired, like I said. Well, I dunno when I won't be tired... whyyyy?
^Ahh, sorry then, I misunderstood... that must be cuz I am tired, like I said. Well, I dunno when I won't be tired... whyyyy?
Chairman Kaga Member Jan 23, 2007 5,920 7 38 Los Angeles May 3, 2008 #14,725 Bodomonkey said: You two are so adorable. :] Click to expand... what about us? (me and you)
Bodomonkey Member Jul 16, 2007 5,713 0 36 32 Norway May 3, 2008 #14,726 Chairman Kaga said: what about us? (me and you) Click to expand... Was? *Insert angry Adolf Hitler here* (lol)
Chairman Kaga said: what about us? (me and you) Click to expand... Was? *Insert angry Adolf Hitler here* (lol)
dreams_of_eternal_hate I'm in space Feb 25, 2007 5,168 0 36 Austria May 3, 2008 #14,727 waiting for someone sucks
dreams_of_eternal_hate I'm in space Feb 25, 2007 5,168 0 36 Austria May 3, 2008 #14,729 k gais and gals, i'm off now...see y'all later...nighty night
Nikki Member Apr 13, 2006 10,760 69 48 Everywhere May 4, 2008 #14,730 exhausted. party. bet horses. doggies. flyers win. phillies lose. but I did it all with the boys. I love them all <333
exhausted. party. bet horses. doggies. flyers win. phillies lose. but I did it all with the boys. I love them all <333
T The_everyday_freak Member Apr 25, 2008 335 0 16 Sydney, Australia May 4, 2008 #14,731 I spent the day making a glove and gardening. And eating sour worms which were not sour.
T The_everyday_freak Member Apr 25, 2008 335 0 16 Sydney, Australia May 4, 2008 #14,733 well the packet said sour worms but they were more like gummy worms now that i think about it.
Bodomonkey Member Jul 16, 2007 5,713 0 36 32 Norway May 4, 2008 #14,734 Nikki said: exhausted. party. bet horses. doggies. flyers win. phillies lose. but I did it all with the boys. I love them all <333 Click to expand... You did doggie with the boys? :Spin:
Nikki said: exhausted. party. bet horses. doggies. flyers win. phillies lose. but I did it all with the boys. I love them all <333 Click to expand... You did doggie with the boys? :Spin:
T The_everyday_freak Member Apr 25, 2008 335 0 16 Sydney, Australia May 4, 2008 #14,737 more like sick minded!!! I like u sir! i mean uh, monkey. (it took 3 attempt to spell monkey right)
C CRrEiTsIRED New Metal Member Jan 24, 2002 2,492 4 0 42 Visit site May 4, 2008 #14,740 I start my new job on Monday. New schedule, new pay, new co-workers, new life... kinda? God, I haven't woken up before 10:30am in a long time. This is going to be tough...
I start my new job on Monday. New schedule, new pay, new co-workers, new life... kinda? God, I haven't woken up before 10:30am in a long time. This is going to be tough...