The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Im feeling good yet weird. Dad is away for 3 weeks and i got to do everything myself(heat for ze house,grocery-shopping,cleaning,dog,my meds). Not that i can't handle that but it feels weird because i got a lot on my plate to take care of all of sudden. I did alot before but this is like "WTF?!" :lol: Well in a way its cool...i just was to get some food for this weekend and i can buy what the fuck i want and how much i want :lol: I can just walk around and masturbate naked and no one will mind....


Also...drinking party this Saturday:kickass:
Im feeling good yet weird. Dad is away for 3 weeks and i got to do everything myself(heat for ze house,grocery-shopping,cleaning,dog,my meds). Not that i can't handle that but it feels weird because i got a lot on my plate to take care of all of sudden. I did alot before but this is like "WTF?!" :lol: Well in a way its cool...i just was to get some food for this weekend and i can buy what the fuck i want and how much i want :lol: I can just walk around and masturbate naked and no one will mind....

And you can leave the door open while taking a crap!
I'm in pain.

Other than that, this has been a great summer vacation and yet to be better :)
Not happy cause i've fought with a friend recently. Very happy cause ive finally tried gummibears, so now my friends will stop teasing me and ive only gotta gain 1 more kilo and im back up to weight.
Very Very happy because my IT teacher gave me some assignment and i get to do it on CoB.
I want to be at Wacken again :cry:

Sorry I'm just getting those withdrawal symptoms that always happen when I look back through the photos.
After having dinner and watching a movie with my mom,
there wasnt enough time to drive me home and catch the beginning of Cornation Street

Its shows like this that make me scoff when I'm told I don't speak..."Proper English"
Right sack o' bollocks innit.