The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm ok so far but I need some help.
I guess anyone here would be able to help so I'll just ask. :) I've downloaded something in parts but I don't have anything to join those files together. The files are marked like 0 file, 1 file, 2 file, etc. So, uhm, what do I need to join them?
I'm ok so far but I need some help.
I guess anyone here would be able to help so I'll just ask. :) I've downloaded something in parts but I don't have anything to join those files together. The files are marked like 0 file, 1 file, 2 file, etc. So, uhm, what do I need to join them?

what kind of files? if its ".rar" you only need to extract the first one, and it will do the magic by itself, if its another file, there is propably some program do to it.
They always split up movies in such files (no .rars, but extensionless or .1 .2 files) and then you just open the .1 or .01 or whatever first file with winrar and the magic will indeed happen. It doesnt autostart winrar if you doubleclick it, select it via "Open with.."
Oh. I'd say remove the .1 and .2's so the extensions become .avi's and then put them together (there should be an easier way though :S)
If there's no .nfo included, then maybe theres some info on the site you downloaded it from.
This morning it's been so cold here... -8°C, really don't feel like going out and take a walk today, I'm freezing staying in, go figure if I go out!
Its an ugly warmth outside.
12°C yesterday, was walking around in a t-shirt most of the day.
Today should be a bit more seasonal, despite the rain...
I woke up this morning and wondered if i lived in Ireland. It's a stinky 64°F [sigh] 17°C [/sigh] and it's still foggy, for the past 3 days! I fart in your general direction.