The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I woke up this morning and wondered if i lived in Ireland. It's a stinky 64°F [sigh] 17°C [/sigh] and it's still foggy, for the past 3 days! I fart in your general direction.

I'm sorry, I don't use prehistoric units of measure.
And its windy as fuck.
Windy ass fuck.
My hair is askew :(
Pretty shit. I should feel really good about tomorrow, but i'd rather sleep through the whole day instead. I just want this week to go over so i can go back to my own place, away from my parents house (not because of them though).
Now run to the store, buy another chocolate, put it on the table.

Then try to resist it again.


there is already another chocolate on the table(big one with nougat broken nuts haha)...from my grandma..XD...but I'm not gonna eat it...I ate enough.