The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So the snow fell and blew away last night, but now I'm sitting here helping out with a Top 89 countdown. Fun times, actually I love it. So I'm happy :)
Anxious. I took apart the Jackson and plan on sanding down the gloss and re-varnishing it due to a super-glue explosion recently. Goddamn it! I might add a couple designs in with an off white color paint (I won't, i'm fucking saying it wishing i could do such a thing.). Wish me luck tards.
Anxious. I took apart the Jackson and plan on sanding down the gloss and re-varnishing it due to a super-glue explosion recently. Goddamn it! I might add a couple designs in with an off white color paint (I won't, i'm fucking saying it wishing i could do such a thing.). Wish me luck tards.

i have no idea what you said, but good luck

I just woke up...And I'm fascinated..The rest of the day will be awful as always

:lol: +1
yay sister found an apartment so she can live away from us! also, some 10? year old kid almost got kidnapped in our neighborhood. fun.