The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm pretty enraged right now.

These are the times when video games are good. Because nothing gets out excess rage like killing a bunch of mindless dinosaurs and zombies on Turok 2 for N64. Easily one of the most underrated FPS's out there.

Anyway, yeah, I wish I was back in my dorm room so I could play that and get out my rage. Instead, I'm stuck in the radio station. Time for sleep, rage and all. Night.
I'm good. I'm going to see australia in abit.
it goes on for like 2 hours and 45 minutes. There really should be some legal limit to movies or something :lol:
I like long movies..

But this is going to DIRE.:goggly:
I'm good. I'm going to see australia in abit.
it goes on for like 2 hours and 45 minutes. There really should be some legal limit to movies or something :lol:
I like long movies..

But this is going to DIRE.:goggly:

Lord of the Rings: Return of the king was 3 hours 20 minutes so don't you be talking about long movies. All of the LOTR movies are longer than that. The uncut versions are approx 4 hours. :lol:
I lolowned my landlord, fucking nubcaek. He gave me papers that said I had to be evicted on January 9th... I called and saw that he never even filed the papers it's just bullshit. He's been harassing me a bit but not anything significant enough to start a case, but this added with the other shit leads to HELLO LAWSUIT. Also, while researching this case, I realized my landlord from my old apartment, who made me move out because he said he was gonna move in with his family but never did, is possibly liable for any rent increase I had as a result of moving out for 1 year, I went from 1050 a month top 1600, so I might be entitled to a maximum of 6600 dollars... good day for Joe sorta. Brb filing paperwork downtown to nail this cunt. I was always a good lawyer, in law class, for the two years I took, I had the highest marks in my class.... if I didn't find court so boring and know I'd kill myself if I had to be in it everyday, I'd have made a kickass lawyer.
lol I just realized isn't it fraud to present a document that isn't legitimate and act like it is? Like if I print off a thing saying it's from the police and use it against someone I'm pretty sure that is illegal :lol: If so then inb4 epic pwnage.
I lolowned my landlord, fucking nubcaek. He gave me papers that said I had to be evicted on January 9th... I called and saw that he never even filed the papers it's just bullshit. He's been harassing me a bit but not anything significant enough to start a case, but this added with the other shit leads to HELLO LAWSUIT. Also, while researching this case, I realized my landlord from my old apartment, who made me move out because he said he was gonna move in with his family but never did, is possibly liable for any rent increase I had as a result of moving out for 1 year, I went from 1050 a month top 1600, so I might be entitled to a maximum of 6600 dollars... good day for Joe sorta. Brb filing paperwork downtown to nail this cunt. I was always a good lawyer, in law class, for the two years I took, I had the highest marks in my class.... if I didn't find court so boring and know I'd kill myself if I had to be in it everyday, I'd have made a kickass lawyer.

in sum, nobody likes you?
in sum, nobody likes you?

My landlord wants to kick me out so he can sell the house... he doesn't know I know this but the Hydro Power people came and said that there is like $1,900 owed for utilities, and he is supposed to be paying that, I pay $1600 for my home and utilities included. I think he's poor now because of the global economic crisis, and his credit is fucked and now he wants me gone so he can sell this house and at least walk away with some money.
He sounds like a Paki. If he's Paki or Chinese, you ain't getting shit :lol: But take him to court with a copy of your contract and tell them he's trying to scare you to move for fear of coming home one day with you shit outside in black garbage bags, with fake ass documents lawl. You can make a killing doing what your landlord does, my grandmother is a good example of a self made millionaire. He sounds like a dumbass who didn't rent out enough.