The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Dude don't mess with DJ_British_Motard, he's badass. And don't you have your own tits anyway? No need for two pairs, that's just greedy.

And wouldn't you think that it's a bit embarassing when a big fat dude like me has bigger tits than a chick? Embarassing for both of us, sure, but I've learned to live with it.

I thought pigs had like 8 nipples... so between the two of them they had 16 pairs of breasts... fucking insane! EPIC TITTY SURPLUS!

Nipples =/= tits, dude. Come on, learn your anatomy. They're only one part of the whole.
i encountered the crazy old asian lady again :'( she threatened me and my friends because i asked why she was bothering me so i booked outta the store
Poored(?) to build some (space)ships

Breaker breaker, come in earth. This is rocket ship 27, aliens fucked over the carbinator in engine number 4, they're gonna try and refuckulate it and land on Juniper hopefully they have some space weed, over.
So I started my poetry class today. I'm not a fan of poetry at all. The professor is a bit off and writes some weird ass shit about his wife. Then some newbie kid is looking at my laptop screen while I'm on MSN and has the nerve to tell me "I don't think you should be doing that." Who the fuck is this kid to tell me shit. Then my homework is 50 lines of iambic pentameter. Basically every line needs 10 syllables alternating between unstressed and stressed syllables. I'm fucked.

My best friend also called to say she had a baby two weeks ago. I didn't even know. I'm gonna go back to flipping out mentally in my corner.