The return of the "How are you today?" thread

BloodyScalpel said:
Will you girls fucking stop bothering with a few extra kilos?
They don't make any difference, personally, I like it.
Now stop whining.

I didn´t whine. :cry:

no, no, I accepted them long time ago. :)

me just with 120+ :lol:
Wings of a dream said:
True, my grandmother told me that back in time (1950s Venezuela or so) being fat didn't looked as bad as it does now, and it was actually a good thing.

year, you´re really right.
Back in time being fat symbolized wealth.
No its symbolyzes laziness etc.
idk about you guys, but i feel fucking pumped cuz my band has a gig. and me and my buddies went discing the first time since the melt.

does anyone else disc?for those who dont know it is golfing just with discs(specialized frisbies) well anyway, you gotta try and get into a basket, which is wrapped around a pole which has a chain mesh in the center so it can catch the disc. other than that it is like golf. it is only really big in north western U.S. (wisconsin area). where we go it rocks cuz it is all wooded and is like endor, plus it has a cliff which over looks lake michigan and is just a fucking awesome view.