The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm coughing my ass out and that makes me wanna pee more, it sucks cuz the toilet seat is cold and frosty :(
I'm really mixed up.

I'm like bubbly and happy.

and yet I'm worried & pissed off.

What the fuuccccckkk?

:u-huh: :u-huh: :u-huh:
im doawoiejt gereat down som ealcohol and leftew my mopeesd at my friends houseesa bt askd mi dad to pick it upop bodom gig tomorrow whooo!
aaaah, okay. I had my first alcohol coma (with hospital and everything!) at 14.

No wait, actually that was the second time. The first time I was 2 :p
I snatched vodka from the table in the living room and drank it. That's the proof that I'm Polish I guess :lol: