The return of the "How are you today?" thread

It's not the same thing exactly. He had a long term relationship totalling 18 months and just ended it while you just broke up with two people you dated for 6 months at best according to what you said.

Calendar time in a 'relationship' with someone isn't the decider of how close you have become with said person. Relationships can become very deep in short amounts of time given the circumstances.
Calendar time in a 'relationship' with someone the decider of how close you have become with said person isn't. Very deep in short amounts of time given the circumstances relationships can become. Hmm?


I'm no mong, unlike most people I learn from the past. Breakups are hard but at the end of the day,
"love is just a complex sequence of neurochemical reactions that makes people behave like idiots."

I've never had a relationship last less than 8 months so I'm used to being very close to my womens but I gots me friends, beers and guitars so I'll be fine.

"Hands of the blind are holding your fate
Tides of life will take you away"

I had a relationship last 3 years and fuck does it rawk to not need to give a shit right now:Smokedev:

Also, +1 for friends,beer&guitar!!!

DERP, out.
I still haven't really recovered from my last breakup, and it was over 6 months ago
^That's nothing. This one dude I know is just starting to get over breaking up with my best friend over two and a half years ago. The lesson to be learned there? Know when to let go.

Eddy, take it from the experience of someone who has been hurt by breakups more times than he cares to count - it may not get easier, but the more you get hurt by girls, the quicker the pain just stops being relevant. Especially if you've been hurt multiple times by girls who you had a deep emotional connection with. Learning to deal with THAT pain is what makes you stronger.
^That's nothing. This one dude I know is just starting to get over breaking up with my best friend over two and a half years ago. The lesson to be learned there? Know when to let go.

Eddy, take it from the experience of someone who has been hurt by breakups more times than he cares to count - it may not get easier, but the more you get hurt by girls, the quicker the pain just stops being relevant. Especially if you've been hurt multiple times by girls who you had a deep emotional connection with. Learning to deal with THAT pain is what makes you stronger.

Ye dude, I understand 100%. I have to break the bond. If you can't control your own emotions then you are weak. I'm ready to move on.

On the bright side it means I'm single when I go to Download Festival and Grasspop.

Sweaty tent sechs ftw

Derp out
Finally left school.
Only need to come in for exams and stuff. and then I'm free!

in such a good mood! hugs for everyone :lol: