The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I feel like shit. Beyond school... I dyed my hair last night (semi-permanent). I got it professionally dyed black, red and bright blonde so I could fuck with it and get dynamics and other augh fucking artsy stuff when I'd use temporary dyes...

I used the same 2 reds and 2 purples as last time when it turned out great... but this time almost everything turned out black or very very dark purple. I'm pissed. and I have 2 stupid bright red streaks in front. I'm gonna wash it 4+ times every shower so hopefully by the end of the weekend I can improv and fix it. It has to look nice by next weekend.... wtf....
I was having a really nice day... untill mums bf got here, i swear if he has a go at me i'll make sure that in the end, i had a major hanf\d in their break up. On the upside i still have 5 cookies left that are absolutely retarded. And Disk Mania (a shop in bowral that to state the obvious, sells CD's) isn't closing down.