The Ron Paul appreciation thread!

Well, Santorum finally dropped.

Shit like this, I find very enraging.. :bah:

Seems like it's down to a fight between corruption, and the people.

Been meaning to post this other great video:

I feel for the American troops :( true heroes (for putting up with such a load of crap, amongst other things).
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So many lols in this thread. The Christians can no longer conceal their irony. Nominate a Christian leader to help fix the problems they continue to contribute to in the world. Over population - cant have protected sex. Global warming - an evil hoax. Health care crisis - bi product of over population. Evolution - denies it, slowing the growth of education. The lay man propagating more of himself. Aaron skips the hard qs because it's what Christians have done since the early 300s. Don't hate him for it.
At this point I'm not sure why he's still running. Romney will get the nomination, and Paul can't run as an independent if he wants the GOP to have any semblance of a fighting chance against Obama.

He's been winning tons of delegates nationwide, and there have actually been a lot of Santorum supporters who would rather see Paul in office than Romney, so as of late they've been helping Paul win delegates/deprive Romney of delegates. Ron has said all along that the race is about accumulating delegates to the national convention in Tampa, and there is no reason to abandon that strategy, in fact it's working out well. Also, the delegate counts that the media waves in front of viewers are estimates based on straw poll results, which is grossly inaccurate to say the least, but it's all a part of the narrative they've created and peddled from day one, about Ron being "unelectable".

Here's a good article that explains some of what's been going on in greater detail:

As for the part about Ron wanting the GOP to have a chance at beating Obama, I honestly don't think he cares a whole lot about that, because he has stated again and again that he views Romney and Obama as being identical in all the most significant ways. Debt, war, bailouts, etc…both guys will push the same policies in office. I have no idea if Ron will end up running as an independent, but if he decides to I'll support his decision to do so. The latest Rasmussen poll still shows that he does better against Obama than Romney does, so the media's "unelectable" narrative continues to be proven a lie, again and again and again. The real narrative should be "Look how hard it is for a candidate to win when we the media decide who should win and who shouldn't".

So many lols in this thread. The Christians can no longer conceal their irony. Nominate a Christian leader to help fix the problems they continue to contribute to in the world. Over population - cant have protected sex. Global warming - an evil hoax. Health care crisis - bi product of over population. Evolution - denies it, slowing the growth of education. The lay man propagating more of himself. Aaron skips the hard qs because it's what Christians have done since the early 300s. Don't hate him for it.

Why is it that of all the people I've ever interacted with in my life, the most prideful and condescending are always atheists? Also, you are spouting so many random things right now, I hardly even know what to say.

Ron, nor the Christian church, is against protected sex. Are you getting confused with Catholics?

The globe may have been getting slightly warmer in recent years, but there is no definitive evidence that it is primarily a manmade phenomenon, there is evidence that solar activity plays a big role in the earth's temperature, and we know that there are many political benefits to politicians and governments insisting that humans are the cause. It is healthy to be skeptical with politicians and governments, who will do or say almost anything to maintain and increase and consolidate power.

Health care crisis being tied to overpopulation…this has nothing to do with Ron's platform or his own personal beliefs. Is this even a serious statement from you? Health care will become more abundant if we simply decide as a species to make non-procreative sex more easily accessible?

Evolution, Ron has neither denied that it's possible, nor insisted that the earth is young. Regardless of the mechanism by which the universe came to be, he gives God the credit. I think his own personal views are likely far more sophisticated and thoughtful than you'd like to give him credit for, but none of this is really relevant to his eligibility for the presidency in my opinion. As this topic relates to education, he simply wants local school boards, subject to a public challenge at the polls, to make decisions on what can and can't be taught in schools, rather than "The Supreme Court handing down edicts that apply to every single circumstance around the country…". What's the problem with that? I guess it's only a problem if you'd rather use the heavy-hand of the government to demand that everyone be forced to believe in the same thing that you do.

Also, I haven't purposefully skipped the "hard questions". Is it lost on you that I might be a busy guy in real life, with little desire to spend a lot of time representing a minority view on an internet forum, where there are countless others such as yourself who are more interested in intellectual snobbery than anything else? I've stated before, I can take serious internet discussion in very small doses, but it's one of the most pointless things I could possibly do with my time.

I love your witty little closing jab at myself and the whole of Christianity too, everyone thinks you are so smart and awesome now. Also, I think you're a really nice guy now too!
Sorry Aaron. It was just bait. Your controversial opinions have been feeding my lyric writing for the last few days but I needed more.

'I guess it's only a problem if you'd rather use the heavy-hand of the government to demand that everyone be forced to believe in the same thing that you do.'

I do because I'd rather the government ensures in a federally regulated system that the education system be founded upon strong science and reason. School is for learning, church is for story time. I don't see why your religious based morality lessons cannot be replaced by one which adopts a secular humanist attitude if you feel it so necessary. The majority of religions are monotheistic so there's always gonna be poor johnny the muslim putting up with some Jesus bullshit in religion class and vice versa if there was an Islam based religious education class. Shouldn't the 'good' Christian parents be ensuring their child is adequately schooled in their belief system in the home and at church? Same goes for all the others. Removing federal regulation will allow the fundamentalists to move around the country in their great big collective voting rock of ignorance and ensure each state becomes the way they see fit. Rodents multiply exponentially. Not calling you a mouse, that's just an analogy. You're a nice guy too Aaron. None of this is personal. When I address you, it's really directed at your argument. I thought that was fairly obvious.
Is he unelectable because the media paints him as such, or does the media paint him as such because he is, in fact, unelectable? Our winner-take-all, FPTP, delegate based system bars entry to third party candidates, which RP still definitely counts as. I don't buy the theory that he'll get enough delegates to take the nomination, and I don't think the RNC would give it to him either way.

This election is going to be a near copy of the 2004 election: One side thinks the other guy is a complete failure and anyone could beat him. That same side then nominates a boring robotic rich guy who is seen as a flip flopper by everyone. Obama Derangement Syndrom will improve GOP turnout, but not enough to win the election.
Is he unelectable because the media paints him as such, or does the media paint him as such because he is, in fact, unelectable?

The media paints him as unelectable because they have no interest whatsoever in being fair and unbiased—their interest lies in honoring their corporate sponsors/owners who are all in bed with the political establishment. The media is an extension of the wishes of the's not as blatantly state-run as in a country like North Korea, but it's not completely fair an unbiased by any stretch of the imagination.
For me it boils down to something much simpler than all of this.
Ron Paul sees how fucked up this country is and he's the only candidate attempting to change it.
I stand up for those who stand up for me.
outbreak525, that is well said! America is terrible now. Ron Paul is really the only candidate who can make change at this point. Anyone else would just make things worse. While my personal beliefs are more conservative, I think anyone democrat or republican is something that would be terrible for our country and the world.
The media paints him as unelectable because they have no interest whatsoever in being fair and unbiased—their interest lies in honoring their corporate sponsors/owners who are all in bed with the political establishment. The media is an extension of the wishes of the's not as blatantly state-run as in a country like North Korea, but it's not completely fair an unbiased by any stretch of the imagination.

This is looking at the issue far too simply, which you've made easy by ignoring the second half of the post you quoted. We have severe structural issues in our democratic process that keeps things the way they are; if you don't fall into one of two marketing packages for what is more or less the same bullshit, you're unelectable regardless of media coverage.
As far as America being terrible right now, I agree, but I think the direction RP wants to take things in is batshit crazy and totally antithetical to what this country started as and what is basically common sense, human decency, and internationally viability to me.
This is looking at the issue far too simply, which you've made easy by ignoring the second half of the post you quoted. We have severe structural issues in our democratic process that keeps things the way they are; if you don't fall into one of two marketing packages for what is more or less the same bullshit, you're unelectable regardless of media coverage.

Well, okay...yes, the FPTP voting system is screwy, but if the media were to portray a non-establishment candidate favorably, it would cause a huge change in public perception of that candidate's viability, regardless of the voting system that's in place. For example, Ron regularly draws crowds of upwards of 3,000 enthusiastic people in nearly every campaign event he stops to speak at, yet the media never says a word about any of these events...not a single event! A vast majority of Americans, especially non-internet savvy, formulate all their political opinions based on what Fox or CNBC or CNN has to say about the race, but those networks are not being honest, and they have their own agendas to push. The media plays an integral role in the outcome of modern elections, and the FPTP voting is a secondary issue to media-induced establishment influence.

Also, with the media/establishment relationship that currently exists, how would it even be possible to change the rules of the voting system so that it levels the playing field for third-party or other outside candidates? I don't think it's possible.
These kinds of crowds are very common, no matter where he goes:

As far as America being terrible right now, I agree, but I think the direction RP wants to take things in is batshit crazy and totally antithetical to what this country started as and what is basically common sense, human decency, and internationally viability to me.

I agree his ideas are opposed to the current state of things: rampant corruption, a corporate and special interests-run government, etc.

I don't think it's THAT hard to see that Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the best interest at heart for his countrymen and for the world. The others are in it TO MAKE MONEY.


Jeff- when you call Ron Paul 'batshit crazy' and imply that he or his ideas lack common sense or human decency, or that his foreign policy is 'not viable'..
I'm sorry, but it sounds like (for some reason unknown to me) you're just trying too hard to be antithetical yourself, against everything Ron Paul stands for.

The Founding Fathers formally started the US and wrote the Constitution (unless I'm missing on something there) and Ron Paul is the one politician in Washington who wants to restore The Nation back to it's Constitutional principles, and give Freedom back to it's people.

Why is that so terrible?
About the delegate count, the numbers are obviously not honest if being given by the media, and in any case, it's just estimates, at least for non-binding states.

The real question is how much can republicans in charge of the election process rig the nomination against Ron Paul. I guess we won't really know that until the convention.
The only thing at this point that I even remotely agree with Ron Paul on is foreign policy. I'm past trying to entertain or pretend that libertarian economic ideals are as great as it's proponents claim they would be. The free-market is definitely not the best solution in all cases, and small government has been empirically demonstrated not be the best government for the kind of ideals I hold for human rights and for how to measure national success/welfare.

The Constitution is not some paint-by-numbers document; it takes a lot of interpretation in a lot of aspects (especially when deciding if laws are or aren't constitutional), and I'm not on-board with all of RP's interpretations or proposed pieces of legislation.

Stop using the bullshit "give freedom back to the people" mantra. It's not accurate. Freedom would be there for the currently wealthy and their future generations, but everyone else would be thrown under the bus.

At the end of the day, there are two points I'm set on: 1. Ron Paul will not receive the GOP nominate and has virtually no chance of becoming President in his lifetime. 2. I just simply do not trust anyone THAT religious with a position like that, and don't want him as the figurehead of my country.