Anyone else notice how much this guy gets ignored in the mainstream media and only seems to get mentioned or covered when the media deems absolutely necessary? Keep in mind I don't really watch much news other than the internet, but still it seems that all other candidates and Obama are more regularly featured.
Not to sound conspiracy-ish, but it does appear that his opposition to the fed views are very unfavorable and perhaps this is why it appears his views aren't so covered in the media. It is public fact that the media is corporately controlled and it makes perfect sense how censored he is. Hell, just look at this so called racist campaign against him. Talk about obvious propaganda!.
Dude, straight up. The mainstream media doesn't want to do anything that would help legitimize the Paul campaign or cause the uninformed populace to start to believe that he's actually popular and/or electable. From what the Paul campaign has been saying, they truly believe that they are actually winning in the delegate count from all the caucuses so far (which is excellent news), but these vanity straw-polls go a long ways towards allowing the mainstream media to shape people's opinions on the race, and it's unfortunate that they just continue to bury Ron Paul so much. It's actually incredibly despicable.
Here's a good example, from just a couple days ago:
What kind of poll shows the loser at the top and the winner at the bottom!? Obviously, the answer is only in a poll that Ron Paul wins... I'm not the conspiracy type either, but when you start paying attention to this kind of thing, it's absolutely infuriating how often Ron gets slighted by the mainstream media. It's a daily occurrence...
Also, the stuff going on in Maine right now is totally insane. Check these two links out for a basic rundown:
So not only does the Paul campaign get continuous unfair treatment in the media, but they also are dealing with the GOP party unfairly skewing straw poll numbers away from his favor. I've always liked to think that we have legitimate elections in the US, but I've come to see that in order to believe that, requires putting too much faith in the wicked human heart... When there is so much on the line in an election, an honest, outsider type of dude like Ron Paul faces an incredibly tilted playing field. It just goes to show you how uninterested the establishment really is in the wishes of the people...all they want is to keep and consolidate their power.
The one redeeming part of all this however, is that regardless of what kind of lies and games the establishment has to play in order to hide Ron's success, the truth of the matter is that his ideas are catching on (Ron owns the under-30 crowd), and his message won't die with his campaign. We seem to be in a transition phase right now, where it's the 40+ crowd who really still falls in line with the status-quo and helps to perpetuate it, but as long as the internet and the free-flow of knowledge remains available, the future technologically-savvy generations are growing up without being so easily blinded by the media. Sure, there are dudes like Jeff who will still vote for Obama and big government, but statistics show that he's in a minority for people his age.
Also, I want to say that I really do think that our national debt is a significant issue that can't simply be kicked on down the road for another decade...our economy gets crushed when interest rates go back up (still being held at zero after more than three years, largely by the Fed's actions, which is unprecedented in our history), and the only way the Fed can keep our interest rates at zero when the rest of the world starts to question our debt-worthiness, is to straight up monetize our debt in massive quantities...and as I mentioned earlier in the thread, central bank monetization of a nation's debt is the end-game of a fiat currency. I believe we're closer to that point than most people believe or realize, and that's why I'm so motivated to support the Paul campaign...because our debt and economic problems are urgent. It's not just a philosophical issue for me, but a practical issue that requires action on an ever-shortening timeline.
Another four-year Obama term will see the gold price over $5,000...which is great for me personally, but terrible for the future of the country. If anyone disagrees with me on this, I will bet you an ounce of gold that I'm right.