The SAD thread


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
and funny at the same time.

Here's a Morningrise review I read:

This is a CD that completely defies definition and is actually pretty original… it ain’t Black Metal because it gives off a peaceful and romantic (!!!!!!) atmosphere, it ain’t Death Metal because it isn’t brutal in the least, it ain’t Doom because it is usually fast paced, and it ain’t Ambient/Atmospheric because it just ain’t… But even though this CD is musically unique and in a style of it’s own, that alone doesn’t make them any good, as the lyrics would fit more on MTV-ish pop then they would on Metal music (being that they’re love songs!!!), they shove acoustic parts in their songs every two minutes (for no apparent reason…), and the beat seems far too aggressive for the laid-back music that they play… It’s not COMPLETE shit, though, it has its good points, a great bassist and good production for example, it’s few points of interest, however, are not nearly enough to salvage this ridiculous and much-hated (Opeth have a VERY bad reputation within the [Black] Metal underground…) disc. For your reading pleasure let’s break it down…

Guitars – The two guitars on this CD actually work very well together, but the riffs they play are very quiet and get quite boring as a consequence of their peacefulness and their infinite acoustic parts. This is good music if you have insomnia and want to get to sleep but definitely not music for the middle of the day. The guitars also have a very progressive feel, almost as if it’s doing a permanent solo, or something, this may be because the distortion isn’t heavy at all… Bearable – 6.5/10

Bass – One of the finer points of this album (if not the finest), the bassist on this CD is no less then amazing. Never before have I heard a better bassist for a Metal band… but I think it goes a bit too far, when an entire song sounds like a long bass solo that’s then called over-indulgence, and gets, of course, quite annoying. Great – 8/10

Drums – Nothing extraordinary, a bit too aggressive for the music that they play, and really boring and repetitive at times, *sigh* there just isn’t much to say about the drums on this disc … Average – 6.8/10

Vocals – The vox on this disc are somewhere between a grim Black Metal scream and a Death Metal growl and are actually quite good, in an original sort of way. There isn’t much singing on this disc though, which is a pity… Great – 8/10

Production – This CD was produced in a very clear and crisp manner. The instrument balance is also pretty good; the two guitars are at EXACTLY the same volume and sound good, the vocals and drums were also nicely produced, but the bass is far too loud and doesn’t have a very well-done low-end. Besides the too-loud bass, everything was done fine… Good – 7.5/10

This CD wasn’t intended for people like me, I can’t stand this music. They play their instruments well, but everything else about this band is just pathetic. I personally would avoid this CD and anything else that this band has to offer, be wise and do the same ; ).

Pros – Great bassist, okay production, good vox, it’s an original band with no clones (but who would WANT to clone them??)
Cons – Boring drumming, boring riffs, romantic lyrics, gay imagery, poor guitar sound

Style of music – I really don’t know how to describe it. Just read the review, you’ll get the basic idea.

Will likely appeal to – Women, a mainstream audience, and your parents

Overall – Poor (not because they’re aesthetically bad, quite the opposite actually, but because I just don’t like what they do, their lyrics, and the music that they play) – 2.5/10

Sauron Anarazel

Why is God so cruel to some people? Is that a further prood that He doesn't exist?
yeah that would be the one from LARM, most of the people think there hardcore.....and the only real thing is true black metal. You should see their profiles its pretty funny.
god i hate stupid fucks like this who listen to the album once and then make a judgement on it and say it is the worst cd ever. FUCK THAT GUY AND EVERYONE THAT LOOKS LIKE HIM!
I think I'll find that guy and stab him in the eye (slowly) with a rusty nail.

Imagine the beautiful sound you would hear as you slowly break the soft eye. Squiiiishhh...........

True, but do you think reviewer people have time to listen same album 10-50 times?

Listen to hearse. he speaks wise words.

To the ones who complain:
The reviewer doesn't like the album and you label him stupid.
If you don't like some band you say their fans are stupid...

What's up with that? :confused: isn’t brutal in the least... then ...the beat seems far too aggressive...

It’s not COMPLETE shit... <---- :lol:

This CD wasn’t intended for people like me, I can't stand this music.
Well, that goes without saying, Einstein.

Will likely appeal to – Women, a mainstream audience, and your parents... :rolleyes:

This is one of those reviews that remind each individual to never rely on someone else's comments alone about music.

"I stray in the quiet cold,
And you gird me when I dare to listen."
Originally posted by Downfall

Listen to hearse. he speaks wise words.

To the ones who complain:
The reviewer doesn't like the album and you label him stupid.
If you don't like some band you say their fans are stupid...

What's up with that? :confused:

So is the following a "smart" comment:
"[Morningrise] Will likely appeal to – Women, a mainstream audience, and your parents" ?
Well...that's the first bad review of an Opeth album that I have ever seen.

He's right about one thing, though...the bass on Morningrise is just incredible.

Its pointless listening to any review that isnt positive. If i want to find out if a CD is good then i search for a positive review, one that gives it 10 out of 10. Thats the only way youll ever learn anything worthwhile because its impossible to analyse music you dont like (accurately). But reviewers are criticisers, they pick the bad things out and so i dont bother with them at all.

If someone likes a CD then you can find out from them how it is supposed to be listened to, what it achieves, etc. If someone doesnt like a CD you can only learn a bunch of statements that are most likely irrelavant. All music can be liked/loved.. its just a matter of discovering how to do so (and whether its appropriate for you). But for every song there is more reasons to hate it than like it, and more things it doesnt achieve, so reading a negative review is not so informative (generally).

There are exceptions of course, for example if you find a reviewer who has exactly the same likings in music as you, or if the reviewer happens to mention the things you look for in music.
There is a simple solution i proposed long ago: STOP READING FUCKING REVIEWS. They are all BIASED and pointless effords to destroy bands based on jealousy, unless is one of the reviewer's top 10 bands in wich case he will NEVER offer a constructive opinion and will limit to stupid words like cool asome great are totally pointless and at this point i think a good review does not exist all reviews should be destroyed and objective descriptions without any personal opinions should take they place.