The School/Uni Thread


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
The school/university/edumacation thread!

Can I say how fucking happy I'll be once this semester is over? Goddamn.
Its been around 10 years since I was at uni. I'd love to go back again... But now I'm almost 32 and scared to... to give up work and study fulltime, being broke etc. Scary memories those are, but I also had the best time of my life at uni. :kickass:
I graduated about 9 months ago so I'm just here to make fun of all you losers.

Seriously though, part of me does miss it.
I have 2 years left, I won't be graduating until 2009. But I finished this year about 2 weeks ago and still haven't found a summer job, it's getting irritating.
I have two or three weeks until the end of the semester...and about two years until I finish my Bachelor's...and then probably another two years until I get my master's

*never going to leave school*
^:lol: I know what you mean

I leave my college Mayy 22nd (graduation).
I've got to figure out where I'm going to transfer, as three A.A. degrees don't really mean shit in the world.

And I need money :erk:
May I suggest CSULB (where I go) tuition is only $1500/semester (not including books), so it's a pretty good deal

although if you're living in rancho cucamonga you may want something a bit closer (if that is where you's what your location states)
I have two or three weeks until the end of the semester...and about two years until I finish my Bachelor's...and then probably another two years until I get my master's

*never going to leave school*

That's why I decided not to go for a Master's degree. It would mean another two years (at least) on top of what I'd already done and I was kind of done with school by that point. And also in the industry I work in (IT) a Master's degree doesn't really offer all that many additional job opportunities over a Bachelor's degree (infact pretty much none).

The only reason why I would have considered it at all would be having class mates that possibly actually give a damn about what they are doing (something mostly lacking in the classes I was in which towards the end of my study kind of started to kill my own motivation for studying) and maybe some more interesting higher level subjects. But shrug, I was 24 when I got my Bachelor's so by the time I'd get my Master's I'd be about 27.
May I suggest CSULB (where I go) tuition is only $1500/semester (not including books), so it's a pretty good deal

although if you're living in rancho cucamonga you may want something a bit closer (if that is where you's what your location states)

Damn, that isn't a bad price at all. I was thinking about UCR, as their philo dept is one of the best around on this coast. Of course, that is in Riverside...and I don't have the vehicle to make those trips :lol:

Well, if I ever just start shitting money, I can go to the clairemont colleges much money it takes :erk:
I'm starting a degree in history in September at Uni of Nottingham in England. Should be interesting.