You can see why people like Dave Jnr make comments about Marty's J-Pop career, the music may not always be J-Pop but he's spent a lot of time playing around in similar areas of it.
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The only thing I see is that Marty fuckin owns Japan like a king! lol! There's a difference between his projects with others and the albums he makes. No Jpop. And neither Dave should talk. Risk is abysmal. And F5 wasn't so great either.
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He's been associated with the entire Japanese music scene for years, just about every journo that has reported on him for the past 15 years has connected him to the scene, when he wanted it the connection was fine, when he doesn't he wants to complain, pretty much makes him like every other muso who doesn't get his own way.

I'm not overly fussed with Risk (although it did have the Duke Nukem theme on the bonus) but I like F5 and I like MD45, both still get regular listens in my house, as does Temple of Brutality.
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I've never heard him complain at all about anything ever. He can have all the connections he wants, he should! They fucking love him! He's like they're music ambassador. But the music he writes for his solo albums are not pop. By the way, I can't stand the the term "muso". Musicians should complain when others try and have a say on their music.

Risk is the one album i don't own and never will. If that album had done well he would have stayed that way.
Which MD45? I hated Lee Vings voice. But I like the redo with Dave.

Scratch that! I've heard him complain about being called a shredder. Fucking stupid lol.
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His solos might not be pop but that doesn't mean his work isn't littered with pop like music and he's proud of it, as he should be but like everyone he gets narky when other people don't say it in the same tone he does. Musos do complain when other have a say on their music, every egotistical one of them, it's why the online rag sites are so full. Someone says something today about someone and that someone comes back tomorrow with a comment about that person. There is very few interviews today that don't have an element of shit canning someone else in them be it in the open or an under hand comment. These guys and girls have the biggest egos on the planet, all of them, and the bigger they get the harder it is for them to hold their wads and not say something. Marty's no different he's been arguing/defending his preferences for years, he came out defending BabyMetal because his mate was playing in them by ragging every muso that said anything bad about his association with them. These guys gets paid to have egos and they thrive on it.

I've got both MD45's. Vings voice is not perfect but then neither is Dave's, I find elements of both annoying but I like the music. Risk isn't something I listen too often but I'll still give it a spin now and again. I prefer Dave Jnr's side projects to Dave M's but I think the two of them were in a really different head space when they did their side projects. Temple Of Brutality for instance is tight and fairly over the top compared to what Mustiane has done but Mustaine couldn't have done that with too many people where as I don't think Jnr had the same limitations.
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How many Marty albums do you have? Cause I thought you said you didn't really listen. Some may have a more radio flavor, but that's it. Show me an interview where Marty is being a dick. And I'm not talking about shit talkers lol I'm talking about industry people thinking they should have a say in an artists music. They are leaches. I've never heard of Marty talking shit about anything. I hear him answer questions and that's entirely different. Some people are actually motivated by art and passion and not money. I think you give to much credence to the rag sites.
Muso sounds like a hiptser word to be condescending to a musician about being a musician. I don't see you as a hipster. I think that term would better fit music critics.

I have both Md45's also. I'm not looking for perfection I'm looking for something that doesn't sound stupid. And I finally got that with the re release.
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I've got Cacophony, Megadeth and Hawaii, I've got copies of maybe half of his solo stuff stuck on a hard drive somewhere and I've listened to some of the stuff he's done for Japanese TV.

I don't give any credence to rag sites, I look at them to see what's going on but they pretty much all contain the same poorly written crap, none of them are original and more than half the crap these days is transcribed interviews from sources that have nothing to do with the sites. About the only things journos these days are trained to do is pull out the controversial crap and post it as a part of a larger interview which gives them the click bait headlines. Go back through actual magazines like Kerrang and Hit Parader etc 10, 15, 20 years ago and Marty was just as vocal as anyone else. His big difference was that during the years he spent shredding on Japanese TV he was quiet and avoided a lot of the mainstream media

Muso to me is just another term, no different to sparky, chippy, truckie, cop. I can't remember a time where musicians weren't referred to as musos, long before any coffee drinking hipster might have used the term.

The main reason I keep listening to MD45 with Ving is because it was the first I heard. Sure the vocals aren't the best but for me it's like listening to records and original albums as opposed to remasters. Sometimes the remasters are good and have something extra but the original still works.
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And you hear Jpop in those?! We're talking about yappy weird pop for little girls music right? Not that Marty uses Japanese scales and phrasing?

Ok...but you just reamed the Blabbermouth like sites and then tell me to reference Hit Parader and Kerrang? and I'm assuming etc is for magazines like that. Those magazines were the precursors to the Blabbermouths of yesterday lmfao!!! you can't put any stock into anything those mags wrote and that is a fact lol. Those magazines were good for pictures and that was it.

Really?! lol I swear I have never heard that term until this year! Hahahaha! :rofl:

I just don't like that guys whole thing I guess lol I don't like that band Fear either. They have a song on GTAV. " There's another one yakkity yackin" "the trouble today with women..the mouth won't stop!" I just find it really cheesy. That song comes on and I drive off the cliff :D
I never could listen to the original MD45 enough to get attached to it. I just heard great songs wasted on that guy. So I was ecstatic when Dave put it out again and the bonus stuff is really cool. I don't think the mix is any different than the original, just louder and clearer. I could be wrong as I said I never listened to the original enough to really be positive.
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I don't hear Jpop in everything he's done but that doesn't mean it's not there. I can hear classic references in some of his stuff, I can hear all sorts of influences. The thing is people want to take it as some kind of offence, including him when it suits him. He spent years embracing his Japanese music he spent time telling people he was proud to do it then Dave Jnr makes a comment a week or so back specifically about Jpop and he suddenly feels the need to defend himself. The way I read what Jnr said it was little more than a friendly dig, yet Marty still felt the need to defend himself, and while some of that comes down to how it's printed to me that says more about Marty than Jnr, he could have just said nothing. But it's what the music world is. Love it or hate it it's full of egos and it's full of people wanting to say something about someone else, whether that stuff is dragged out of them by a journo or freely spoken.

No one said the magazines were entirely truthful but at the same time saying they always print lies is as bad as thinking they always print the truth. If the articles didn't have elements of truth in the they bands wouldn't continually let their names be associated with them. Look at that loud mouth fight that was GNR's Get in The Ring. Axl got all pissy about a few lies, then he got pissy about a few truths, then he got pissy because the same magazines stopped talking about his band altogether, at the same time other bands still flocked to the same magazines. Like it or not there is a place for such publications, web or print, just like there is a place for newspapers, but I doubt there is anyone who will claim 100% honesty in such publications.

I don't think I could put the word great with any of the songs on MD45, I like it, either version, and will listen to it on and off but to me they are just songs. I don't mind Hell's Motel and Chutney but I still couldn't reach far enough to call them great.
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I'm not sure what kind of a thing that it is to say? "that doesn't mean it's not there" that's not evidence lol :tickled: I have not heard any Jpop on his albums. I don't remember Jr really saying it.Or Marty getting pissy about it. I remember Dave saying it a few times. but he also said Marty left the band because of anxiety and then went boo hoo .Lol. And if it did happen like that it's not just how the music business is that's how most of the world is. you don't defend yourself if someone talks shit? And how do you know the part Marty said wasn't spun as well. A lot of your gripes seem to come directly from these websites. You're kind of going back and forth between quoting them and damning them. And I don't mean that in a dick way. I mean that in a I'm confused way lol
I remember in RIP magazine ( you can think what you want about them ) musicians would complain specifically about Kerrang, Circus and Hit Parader. Not just Axl, lots of them. And they didn't write in and complain, they were interviewed and asked about them. But yes Axl went to the trouble of devoting a song to them and called them all out by name. Not just for a few lies. But for being tabloid bullshit.

I didn't really mean great as in the best thing ever.
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I tried watching that show this morning, just couldn't get into it. Joe Sat or Steve Via, even country artists like Brad Paisley or Keith Urban and classic guitarists like Santana and Tommy Emmanual do more for me than a show like that, he's good at what he does and he is talented I just don't find him entertaining enough for a whole concert.

Every artist's influences show through in their music, it may not be on every song, it may not be every influence at one time but of course his music shows influence of the years. They guy is into music and many areas of music, his song with Jaxx shows a current spread of influence many wouldn't have predicted. It's not an offence to be influenced by stuff that is not in the genre one always plays in. His work with the Japanese Idol band is different, his work with Tourniquet is different but he only defends one of those when it comes to people talking about it. His Tokyo jukebox album is marketed as Jpop yet he seems the need to defend himself when someone tells him he plays Jpop, it's like when people call him a shredder he defends it because he's got something against being referred to as exactly what he is.

Dave might well have meant all the offence in the world by his comment, he's a media hound of late, but that's not the way I read it, however I didn't listen to the pod cast to hear his tone. Neither did I hear Marty's tone in response but he felt the need to respond and defend the Jpop reference. Both are as bad as each other if they are point scoring, but if it's shit canning between mates why do either have to make it a scene. I get shit canned all the time because I drive slow enough that Miss Daisy would prefer to walk. I get shit canned for being lazy and I get shit canned because I am outspoken, but I don't give a crap. If people want to hang shit on me for anything I laugh at them. If someone wants to tell me I drive too slow, I don't defend my driving by telling them how much money I save on diesel, how I've never replaced a set of brake pads before 200,000 kilometres and how I catch up to all the speed demons at nearly every set of lights. I laugh at them.

I neither defend or support the music sites and mags, I read them and judge whether I think they are telling the truth or not, maybe I'm not always right but the one thing for certain is that one can't blame the media for all of the ego spilling that these guys do. These stories exist because egos get bruised, if there were completely fabricated there would be more law suits, that doesn't mean the lines of the truth don't get blurred for the want of click bait headlines and poor journalism but look how quick bands and record companies are to sue when they feel they are done wrong, if so much was fabricated the courts would be full of bruised ego rockers and butt hurt journos.

It's like I've said all along, there is two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
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Lol me and a friend watched the whole show on my tv. We found it very entertaining lol

I'm just not sure what interview you're talking about. I usually read everything Marty. When Dave made the comment I remember. It was that Marty left Megadeth to make Jpop records. Which just isn't true. That's all. lol. The comment about anxiety boohoo, is( I think ) on the Youthanasia home video?. Not sure.

Hey that line about truth in the middle is my line!:rofl::D:cool::cool:
Back in the day the dividing line between bullshit and not bullshit was not so blurred. Musicians flocked to RIP magazine, because RIP wrote the story the way it was. They proudly waved the flag of no bullshit.
It was a good mag! I miss it.
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The interviews were either on Blabber or Bravewords, they were both part of bigger interviews, I know the Jnr one was transcribed from a radio interview but the Marty one was just another one of his promo articles in the lead up to his album launch. Both were silly comments but to me Marty would have been smarter to offer no response than defend himself. Or in response to Jnr saying he played Jpop he should have said "My Jpop is still better than what you made me do on Risk!"

The biggest problem with any of the bands is that they want the 'cool' stories but they don't want the 'embarrassing' ones so when a journo pushes the boundaries too many of the bands cry foul. It's cool to be drunk and smash up a hotel room, but it's not cool to smash up a motel room because your ADHD kicked in when a reporter had a brain fart. The silliest thing is how many band members of the 60's and 70's keep saying they don't remember anything because of the drug haze but they all have memoirs and bios. Either they don't remember it and the books are all lies or they are lying by saying they don't remember it. Today's bands are just an extension of that. "It's cool if I lie in an interview but it's so not cool when the author writing the story does."

The best metal mag of the 80's and early 90's was Hot Metal, was only an Aussie mag and a lot of the stories did come from overseas reporters but the readership wasn't huge so nearly ever second month I'd win something out of one of their competitions.
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Damn, I'd love to find it lol Jr doesn't usually make comments like that. I guess every dog has his day.

I think the problem was just the outright bullshit, it's like the tabloid mags with actors. They just make shit up stick a picture to it lol. Most of those 80s bands were proud of their own behavior lol.
Best mag huh? ...Australian you say?. :D
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Jnr is everywhere these days. My favourite articles were the ones a few months back where he kept saying in varying words how people shouldn't blame Snr for everything because there was other people who made choices within Megadeth too. He made mention of a few choices like the direction of the music and the choices as to who auditioned a few times but most of the time he was very coy with exactly what he was meaning, it was quite funny.

It was the best metal mag for me, it was $3.95 and I won so much stuff it wouldn't have mattered if every article was shit I was getting free stuff!
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In some ways it makes sense he's the media guy now, that other guy he worked with copped a lot of flack whenever he opened his mouth (sometimes it was obviously deserved) but making Jnr the media person not only shifted the spotlight a bit I guess in some ways it gave certain people a chance to blame someone else.

Every month they ran 5 or 6 different competitions and I'd enter most of them and often get something. Shit from t-shirts, to concert tickets, to CD's to books. The odds of winning anything in the big mags from overseas was ridiculously high so I didn't even bother but entering the local mag comps I was winning stuff so I was annoyed when they stopped printing the mag.
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I wonder how long he'll last at the job lol." Sorry Jr the census is in and you just aren't pulling in the numbers" next up..Dirk?

Yeah there was really no chance here to win stuff anything anyway. I'm not sure anyone ever won lol

They probably went under from all the giveaways :yell:
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Go through the whole band then start hiring other bands to do the PR work for them. Sign Larz up to do all their PR work and post all the videos of them walking around back stage.

I wouldn't have ever considered trying to enter anything from overseas, back when magazines were the only source postage time would have killed most of my chance to win anyway.

Most of the give aways came from the bands (or record companies themselves) and would be things like t-shirts or the latest CD which was why the band was being interviewed in the first place. They occasionally gave away signed guitars or the like but I never won anything that substantial.
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