It wasn't as impressive as EVH doing it 30 years ago and you kind of expect the kid to be able to play it because he's probably been forced to :)

But yeah using the same guitar is kind of cool.
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I haven't really listened to the song, it did look like a lot of flash and glitz which I kind of expect from a "superband" (or whatever the term is) but I only listened to it at low volume while the TV was on. I'll probably preview the album and see what it's like but it's not a definite buy yet.

Be interesting to see how long he holds his forum in lock down. I can see why he shut it down and I hate the way some people actually think being a dick on someone's site is the fulfilling their life goals but at the same time even something as simple as an active forum drives people to his site and reminds people he's doing something which in turn is publicity.
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To me it just seemed kind of bland. Forgettable.

Yeah he could start it back up and I wouldn't be surprised. But I also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't lol.
I guess it all depends on if the good fans out weigh the shit talkers maybe. I don't imagine that you would make too many friends doing something like that on someones personal forum.
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From what I remember of the video they were all just sitting around the studio, to me that was part of the blandness. There was glitz and glamour with the guitars and the drum kit looked somewhat impressive etc but the were just a bunch of blokes sitting around not looking overly excited.

I don't think the type of idiots that sit on forums and rag on everything everyone else says care about friends. They think putting people down some how makes them superior and they wouldn't want to be friends with the people they abuse. The thing I find interesting with most of these types is that they can only articulate insults if they have words like gay or faggot etc in them, it's like telling someone they are gay is the ultimate put down.
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The video did suck. But even if I heard it with my eyes closed it would be the same. There just wasn't much there.

Hahaha yeah, I mean, I would think that the number of people trashing the haters would over rule the bs. Too bad we can't put their stupid sentences in an i.q. machine!
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Supergroups often don't live up to their name for me, I was hoping Portnoy's new one wasn't like that but I'm not sure, guess I'll wait for the album

I think the biggest problem with the haters is that the other side nearly go as hard defending and it makes it just a huge shit fight. In this country we are currently going through the same sex marriage debate and our fucked up government are too gutless to make the decision so it's going to a non-binding public vote. The god-fearers and Christians are screaming loudly against it and making themselves look stupid by making ridiculous unfounded claims about what will happen if it was allowed. Instead of just letting the 'no' side make themselves look like idiots the 'yes' side is fighting back and attacking every comment, every action and every argument and making themselves look just as bad. Forums are the same, one person says something sucks and twenty people have to argue that it doesn't then another twenty argue that, then ten people come up with insults and suddenly the forum is full of shit and no one can read anything. Certain threads in this forum have the same problem, you can't read the conversation for the bullshit. I can definitely see where Portnoy is coming from.
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I really wanted to see Billy Sheehan in a metal band! Seriously! I was psyched about that. Of course it's to early to tell what the album sounds like. So I'm still hopeful. Even if it's not full on metal I'm ok with prog. but that last song wasn't even that.

Hey Neptune! remember that hater on the Flotsam board? We beat the verbal shit out of that dude! lol! Chased him right out.

I don't blame him either. I wouldn't have even made one if I was him. Who needs the abuse? lol But hey maybe he's being a giant baby and it was just honest criticism about some music? But i doubt it lol

That seems to be the sad state of a lot of things nowadays. It's like Ghetto and Mtv and Jerry springer white trash culture has permeated everything.
Everything is straight to the most extreme. The louder and more hateful you are the more right you are. People just say things without having any facts to really back it up and are so completely terrified of having their views challenged that instead of trying to understand someone else or looking into something they just throw shit.
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I just want to see Portnoy tour with is Hello Kitty drumkit.

I am a little torn with the idea of forums. I don't like they way people just attack each other no matter who is wrong or right but I do love reading all the comments against Sebastian Bach whenever there is an article on him!
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I do love the way that thousands of people ask Sebbie about Skid Row reunions but there is almost no one in the world that wants it.
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